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Elysium, nickname Elys, lives a simple life. She goes to work at a local café and goes home, repeat. She is very tough, looks a bit intimidating, and keeps to herself. She feels as though her life isn't interesting, in fact, its a bit lonely. She's never been very outgoing, never has friends only acquaintances, and has never had a love life. What if that changes? What will happen when she's stalked by a beautiful Incubus demon? Will Elys dream of her at night?

Neo is an Incubus Demon. She works as a CEO of her own company. One day she sets out to try a new coffee shop she's never gone to. Once she lays her eyes of the beautiful waitress, she can't help but play with her in her sleep. Neo will take her heart no matter what.

*I can feel its presents everyday now for the past week. I see it around my house. I dream of it. My body desires it. I moan for it. My heart calls out to it. Every Night.*

"What do you want? I can't hear you my love."

"Just p-please... ruin me."

"Are you sure?" She pinches my hard nipples and presses her knee between my thighs.

"Oh fuck! Yes Yes...please I want you so bad."



18+ explicit content
Mature language

☆Any images used aren't mine!

The Demon Took My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now