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"Mmhmmm yeah... right there don't stop!" I moan out while she looks at me in the eyes with such lust and desire. Our legs intertwined together as she rides my clit with hers non-stop.
"Right here baby?" And she roughly continues to fuck me in the right spot. She reaches for my breast and sqeezes causing me to cum all over her cunt.
She gets up and attaches her hot mouth between my wet sobbing pussy.
"Ahhh yes mommie please make me cum." I plead. I reach down to her hair but grab onto a pair of horns instead.

My alarm goes off and snaps me awake at that moment. I sit up fast and sigh annoyingly at the sound. I groan while shutting off the alarm. It was just another dream. I can only remember small snippets of my dreams but the more I have them, the more I remember. One time I dreamt about Neo asking me to be something to her. I dont remember the word but it started with an 'm'. And all I remember is saying "yes" in the dream. Then thats when these dreams began to be more intense and occur often. I think somethings wrong with me. Mabye I'm delusional? I think I need help... I dont know.

It's getting to a point where I'm frustrated. I'd rather have these dreams than be awake. Even if they aren't reality, it's all I look forward to. Being touched and loved by her. Pfff! That'll never happen!
I get out of bed and get ready for work. I hope I see her again.


As I walk into my office, my secretary/best friend Luna walks in after me. Luna is an incubus demon as well. Except she swings both ways if you know what I mean. Both of us had decided we'd want to a real relationship and find our mates. I found mine but she hasn't yet. When we find a mate, they have a very addictive sweet scent. It's like a vampire with blood, they can't help themselves to it once they smell it. When we mark them, we leave a bruise on their body. It isn't painful in any way. The only catch is you have to always have their consent. It's the same thing with feeding on people in their sleep, you have to ask permission. (Obviously seductively so that they say "yes" and then you can feed on them while always providing them with pleasure. Usually they won't remember their dreams unless they are your mate.) 9/10 times people agree to it which is why it's very easy to feed. If they don't want to you then go to the next. Once you mark someone, their is no reversing it, which is why you have to be sure that the other person is your mate. The love of your life. I found her. She's everything to me. My heart and my gut tell me she feels the same. She just doesn't know I'm a demon yet. I know I have an effect on her. She blushes all the time when I'm near. I can hear her heart beat so clearly. She avoids my eyes and when she looks, she can't look away. At night I hear her touch herself and call out my name before I could even invade her dreams sometimes. That's my girl.

I take a seat behind my desk while Luna hands me some paper work to sign. Luna and I have known each other for a long time. We both grew up together and are still very close. Once I started my company, she's worked with me as my secretary. She works harder than anyone.

"Soooo, how's your girl?" She teases as she takes a seat behind my desk. I blush and avoid her eyes. "Aww your so cute."

"Stooopp!" I say while laughing. "She's okay."

"What do you mean? Just okay?" She questions. She knows I'm not telling her something.

I sigh. "I might have...uhh."

"Yessss?" She gave me a 'what did you do?' face.

"I might have scared her in the forest in demon form." I covered my face with my hands.

"YOU WHAT!? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" She scolded me and swapped my shoulder.

"I know I...I." I pinched my nose bridge. "I couldn't contain myself."

"Oh my god Neo! There's no excuse! Poor girl now she is scared of you! Don't blow this!" Luna says.

"I know its just that I was like 5 minutes away from the café because I wanted to find fresh air. I was in my demon form. All of a sudden, her strong scent hit me and I couldn't contain myself. It was so all of a sudden you know? And then it worsened when I saw her walking to her car. I followed her. Then I ran home and bumped into her in the hall way. She was freaked out. God I'm so stupid Luna! What do I do?"

"Apologize." She shrugs. "That's it. Send her a gift or flowers and apologize to her."

"Okay...Yeah I could do that." I reply.

"On another note, have you revealed yourself yet?"

"Not fully, in one of her dreams I did. Kind of." Luna looks at me confused. "Right when I switched, she reached down and grabbed my horns. But I don't think she fully knows. I wanted her to find out first."

"Okay I understand." She nods.

"Soo what about you? Any updates on your mate?" Changing the subject to her.

She lets out a dramatic sigh. "No not yet. Everyone I see around isn't her or him. I just know I'm close to finding them. I could feel it. But I dont know where."

"You'll find them in no time."

"Yeah hopefully" Luna gets up from the chair and before exiting the office, "oh so you don't want to attend the party with me?"

Luna has been begging me to attend a party of an old human friend of hers named Amanda. They don't like me very much since we don't get along. I'm very cold to people who get close to Luna. Its been me and her for years so when she makes other friends, it bothers me a bit. I fear her leaving me. Of our close friendship ending. So pretty much anyone who's friends with her, I dont like or give them a chance. She is aware of this which is why she constantly tries to get me to open up or hang out with these people.

"No you go ahead. I am going to stay in and watch some movies or something."

"Ugh your such a homebody." She complains. "By the way I saw that you appeared in the news as big foot. Congrats on your debut Sasquatch!!" She laughs and shuts the door behind her.

Really? Bigfoot? I laugh out loud and shake my head.

Elys POV

As me and Austin set up all our coffee machines and dishes, we catch up on eachothers latest gossip.

"Soooo...I see the way you and that 10am regular of ours look at each other." He teases and waits for my response but all I could do is smile and blush.

"Stop it! She just a stranger." I deny it.

"Don't be naive! She clearly likes you! I mean she literally wants you" I shake my head no. "Oh come on Elys! She mad dogs me whenever I'd get near you. I know she likes you. Plus she's litterally your neighbor." He says as he wipes down a machine.

"Austin I'm just better off alone. Anyways what about you?" I ask. "Anyone you have an eye on?"

"Umm no not really. Everyone I meet is nice but I just don't feel a spark you know? I have like bad luck when dating or trying to find a partner."

"Yeah I get that."

"Oh and I wanted to invite you to a party tonight. Want to come with me Elys? My brother's girlfriend Amanda is having it at her house."

"Uuum..." I hesitated.

"We could leave the party whenever you'd like or if the party ends up being lame." He adds.

"Sure yeah. I'll join you. It's been a while since I've gone out."

"Cool then I can pick you up at 7?"

"Yeah sounds good." I agree.

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