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"H-how can I take your order?" I ask the next costumer.

"I'll just get a cappuccino please." She said. It was a beautiful woman that comes in everyday at 10am for the past week or so. She makes me weirdly nervous and I feel like I stutter when she orders her coffee. I dont even know her.

As I charge her for her order I could feel her eyes on me. Each time I look back at her it feels like she's looking straight into my soul. I notice things about her. Small miniscule details. Like her eyes, they're pitch black and whenever I look at them, I get lost in them. The way she dresses...ugh so gorgious. Today she's wearing a black turtal neck dress with fishnet tights and red jewelery. Anything she wears she's always wearing black and red together. Mabye I have a bit of a crush on her? But I dont even know her. Nah that's impossible. I don't like her i just notice things, I'm very observant.

Oh my god stop lying to yourself Elys!

I try not to show emotion in my face because I dont want her to know what I'm thinking about. Somehow I dont think it helps.

As I give her the change I can feel my stomach tingling when her hands brushes mine. She smirks at me and takes her seat. I take a few breaths everytime she leaves because I can't breath whenever she's close.

I carry on with my day.

As I head up to my apartment I feel like I'm being watched. It's been this way but I keep brushing it off thinking its nothing. Just a bit of paranoia.

I get into the elevator when I notice the women from the coffee shop going up to the same floor as me. I give her a small smile and keep quiet.

It feels hot in here. I feel hot and my lower stomach is tingling again. I cant breathe. My heart was racing and my breathes were heavy. The whole elevator is heating up. Until finally, the elevator opens and I walk out first.

As I walk up and unlock my door, I see the women from the corner of my eye looking at me. I think she was smirking? She looks at me like she's gonna eat me which also happens everytime she comes in for coffee. Mabye I'm hallucinating. Nobody is interested in me like that or atleast not that i know of. Anyone I've ever been interested in never shared the same feelings. So I stopped confessing my feelings to people since it would just end in rejection. I was tired of it. Now everytime I feel something for someone, I just suppress it and ignore. Maybe its my weight? Maybe I'm not good enough for them?

Just keep to yourself, I remind myself.

I carry on with my night routine with watching a movie in my pj's before bed.

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