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As I finish the movie I yawn and get ready for bed. When I go to turn off the tv and walk towards my bedroom, the energy changes in my apartment suddenly. It feels terribly quiet. Like I'm about to get scared by something. I freeze and feel my heart beating faster.

I walked slowly and stopped immediately when at the corner of eye, I thought I saw a dark figure on my balcony. When I slowly turn my head, there's no one there.

I take a deep breath and run to close the sliding door at my balcony.

"Its okay. Your just scared because you watched a scary movie." I take another deep breathe and I head to bed.


"Mmmuuhh" I moan. She pinches my nipple with her fingers as she kisses and sucks on my neck.

Her lips slowly travel down towards my breasts when she starts sucking on them with her mouth. Her hand massages the other breast, taking turns.

"Your so beautiful. Look at you." She whispers as she kisses, licks, and nibbles the area I'm most insecure about. My stomach.

I could feel my heart racing and my pussy grow wet.

"Can I fuck you?"

"Yes please" I say barely able to breathe.


I shot awake suddenly. My legs were spread wide open. I sit up and turn on the lamp beside me.

When I look down I see that my breast are wet through my t-shirt and my bed is wet.

For the last few days, I have been having wet dreams of her. I wake up suddenly each time. They are so vivid and feel so real.

I think im touching myself in my sleep too.

Sometimes i dont even dream I just touch myself while thinking of her. I dont know I cant help it. I feel ashamed honestly because i dont even know her or anything.

I check my alarm clock and it's 3am.

I head to my kitchen for a glass of water. Before I could turn on the lightswitch, I see a tall dark figure in the corner of the room. My eyes grow wide.

I could feel my body grow hot and I clench my thighs together as I grow wet.

Am I just dreaming? Wtf is happening to me? Is this real?

Once I finally blink, the figure is gone. Am i just seeing my shadow? It can't be.

I turn on the lightswitch and there is no one there. I turn to my balcony and the sliding door is open.

My heart drops to my stomach. I remember i closed it before I went to sleep. I probably didn't lock it. But its open. How is that possible?



I turn off my alarm clock and start my morning routine for work.

Starting with a shower...

I got out to dry myself with a towel. I look in the mirror and see a small bruise on my neck.

Omg? When did this happen?

++remembers dream++

Did last nights dream happen? That can't be!! What's wrong with me?

I could feel panic rising.

No no no stop! This isn't happening. Nope not today! Im going to ignore this.

I get dressed in a light pink crop top, black jeans, and white tennis shoes.

Before leaving for work, I inspect the bruise. It looks abnormal, like something else. Its definatley not a hicky. I grab makeup and cover it up.

I grab my bag and head out the door.

I headed straight to work and went about my day.

My co worker, Austin is in today. He is usually pretty flirty around me and i usually ignore it. But today he seems extra flirty and kind of touchy. Im not uncomfortable around him though. He is always really nice to me. Sometimes it seems he is like this with others, not just me.

I kept myself busy because I found myself thinking of her and that steamy dream. I kept looking at the clock because it was almost 10am.

10 minutes later, I check the clock again and it was 9:59am.

I heard the door bell ring when a costumer comes in, i look up at the door and my heart starts racing when I make eyecontact with her pitch black eyes.

Fuck she's beautiful.

She's wearing black leather jeans and jacket, with a red crop top under. Her straight long black hair is curled today.

As she approuches I could feel my face turning red and I immediatly look away. When she approaches me I take her usual order.

I never take names from costumers like other coffee shops but I really wanted to know her name.

"Can i get your name for your order?" I ask in an unbothered tone.

"Neo" she smirks at me.

As I write down the name, she asks "how did you sleep last night neighbor?"

"What?" I panic when my mind goes to that wet dream I had.

"Well you have bags under your eyes, which I assume you didnt get enough sleep, and your my neighbor, angel." She gives me a menacing smile as she looks at me up and down.

"Oh yeah we are, I forgot." I say and give her the total for what she ordered.

After giving her the change back, Austin comes up next to me, "Angel will you help me with something really quick?" His hand rested on my shoulder.

"Yeah no worries." I say and when I glance at Neo and her eyes are shooting daggers at Austin. Did that make her jealous?

When I hand Neo her order, her hand brushes over my fingers and when I look up at her, she winks at me. I stopped breathing for a second and I start blushing.

Did that just happen?

Before she turned to leave she says, "Don't forget to breathe angel."

When she walks away, I feel a slight tingling sensation on the bruise I covered up. I rub it a bit thinking its just itchy and move on with my day.


Just a quick warning, the word count for each chapter might not be the same exact length.

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