My Forever

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I wake up in her cozy embrace. I keep thinking that this isn't real. That this is a dream and I'm going to wake up soon to my life before her. I force myself to push aside any negative thoughts I have. I keep reminding myself that I deserve this. She's not going to go anywhere.

I cricle the tips of my fingers lightly on her chest while thinking. Watching the red ring on my finger. I haven't taken it off. I wear it all the time. It makes Neo smile and blush when she sees it on me. When I snap out of it, I look up to see her looking at me.


"Goodmorning Angel." She caresses my cheek gently.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Oh nothing much." I think she knows I'm lying.

For the rest of the day, Neo and I hang out together. Which is pretty rare because she works all the time and constantly has important buisness meetings. We decided to make a picnic at the park and a walk together.



"What's your biggest dream?" She asks. It kind of caught me off guard.

"Uuh...I don't know...I can't remember the last time I dreamt of something." I answered truthfully. She looked at me with a serious expression on her face.

"Really? Why is that?"

I shrug. I haven't been myself much until she came along.


She stops and pulls me closer to her. "start dreaming again so that I can make them come true. Elys I want to give you everything. I want to give you the world."

"What about you? What can I give you?"

"You. That's all."

There she goes again making my heart melt. I hug her tight.

She hugs me back and plants a kiss on my head.

We continue our walk and talk about our lives before each other, our plans for the future, our friends, our family.

"By the way I forgot to tell you about Luna and Austin."

"What about them?"

"They're just like us now."

"What do you mean?"


I cut her off in excitement. "Mates!? Oh my god when did this happen?"

She start laughing. "When Luna first came to the café."

"Wow...good for them."

"Yeah I'm really happy for them too. Especially since Luna has been looking for her mate for a while now. She was so excited to find him."

"Is Luna straight? If you don't mind me asking."

"No she's bi-sexual. We thought she'd find a female mate but it turned out to be the opposite."

"Ahh okay."

As we finished our walk it got really late so we headed home. And by home I mean her apartment. I haven't stopped sleeping over there. Everytime we go our seperate ways, none of us can sleep. And next thing you know we barge into each others apartments and fuck like animals.

I don't know what it is about her but Neo just makes me horny all the time. And she knows it too. I guess cause she constantly feeds on me, that I might've gotten used to it. I've developed a crave for it. Mabye it's the fact that we are mates? My body knows when she's hungry and it's ready to be fed on.

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