A Wild Guess

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The next day-

Luna POV

I rush to work and when I get to my desk, I dump my bag on the chair. I run into Neo's office instead of knocking.

"Omg omg omg Neo!!" I jump up and down. "Guess what!?"

"Whoa whoa whats with the excitement at 7 am?" Neo asks freaked out.

"I found him!!"

"You mean your-"

"YESS YESS! My handsome mate!" I say with pure excitement. "He smelled so good! You weren't joking about the adrenaline. I had to walk off before I jumped him!"

Neo laugh at me. "Yeah. Its hard to control. So tell me about him?"

"Oh guess what? So I saw him, Austin is his name, with Elys your girl."

"Ohh no wonder. She had mentioned a party. They were together?"

I reassure Neo. "Yeah but don't worry cause Amanda let me know that they work together at the café. Also apparently, Austin is her boyfriends brother."

"Interesting. What a small world."

"I know right? So when are we going?"

"Going where?" Neo asks while looking at her laptop.

"Girl, when are we going to the café? So I can get introduced to the love of my life!!"

"Ohh that" she chuckles. "I always go at 10am so we'll go then."

"Okay awesome!!" I exit the office and get to work.

Elys POV

Its 10am on the clock and I'm waiting to see if she shows up today. Sadly she didn't the last time. Hopefully she comes in today.

Still staring at the clock and the entrance, I hear Austin behind me say, "you waiting for *whispers* your girlfriend?" He laughs at me and I punch his arm lightly.

"Oww" He says dramatically. I smile and roll my eyes at him.

"When are you going to ask her out?"

"Nahh never." I shrug.

"Ohhh right. Your better off alone huh?"

"Yup" I respond. Right when I said that I turn to the cash machine and see Neo right there looking at me.

I jump back a bit. "Woah! Sorry you kind of startled me." I chuckle.

"Sorry." She wasn't alone. She brought another women with her. She was a tall, alluring black women with dark brown hair, and plus size. She wore a pink pencil skirt that complemented her beautiful skin color. She wore a white proffessional blouse that showcased a bit of cleavage. And black short heels. She was such a beauty. The kind that leaves you speechless. Meanwhile, Neo was a brown women with black pin-straight hair, also tall, and mid size. She was wearing a black pant suit with a red top underneath. They were like the opposite of eachother but both had a very dominant/feminine energy.
What if they're dating?! They seem like a cute couple.

My heart kind of sank to my stomach at the thought.

"Hi Elys! Can we both get a hot cappuccino please? The usual." She asks.

"Yeah ofcourse." I ring their orders in.

The women with Neo tells me, "Have your cute co-worker, Austin, hand our coffee to us." She says in a low voice.

"Very sudle Luna." Neo scolds her.

"Its okay. I'll let him know." I interupt.

"Thank you sweethart." Luna responds and they both turn to sit down.

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