why are they treating love like a trash

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Teenagers make me furious these days. They make me furious that I may trigger an explosion. Not that I'm not a teenager myself, but I am an exemption in this matter. 

I don't know how they take the subject of love so lightly. It's so easy for them. It's like they found a clean piece of paper, but when it showed signs of drought, they crumpled it with a fist and threw it away. They find another one in no time.

People around my age are unbelievable. I've never come across someone who doesn't have 'someone' in their life these days. You even felt embarrassed because you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, or almost a boyfriend or girlfriend. Friends and strangers are getting into a relationship that evidently leads to a breakup. It doesn't even surprise me anymore.

Everyone is dating recklessly. They can get to each other so easily. I don't know how they do it, but I bet their best means are swiping and scrolling. And when they get lucky, they'll just confidently tell us that they love each other. 

They will make us believe that whatever their feelings are true because they've found the love of their lives. They will make us believe that what they have right now will last forever because they found each other. I can't fathom which part of their relationship justifies the fact that they love each other. They were so sure about it, and then they broke up.

Goodness! We are too young to even know anything about what true love is. 

I don't know how many labels there are in a relationship right now, just to get out of it safely in case it doesn't work out, but they are all confusing for people who want to take love seriously. I just don't understand how a person can confidently say, 'I love you', without knowing what real love is. They are just putting dirt on its name. They are just making love more deceptive and harder to find.

They blame it on being young, and I never shake my head so hard for a pitiful reason. It's nothing serious. They never take each other seriously because they are sure that they are not sure of each other. When is the perfect time to be serious? A lot of youngsters are not taking others seriously because they don't know how to get serious yet. Then why enter a relationship?

Falling in love hilariously is becoming a trend right now. It can also be defined as experimental. I don't know what the goal is, but they just can't live without a girl or a boy. I can't even compete with the ones younger than me. They are more in love than they said they were. Who taught them that?

They also blame it on feeling lonely. Unanimously, they both signed a contract to mend each other's sorrow. 

I don't think that loneliness is the right path to follow, thinking that it will lead us to love. Seriously, did you really believe that a person could cure your loneliness entirely? Loneliness will pester us even in death. How dare you let someone into your life just because you are lonely?

I just don't get it. I just don't really get it. I'm getting mad, and I don't get it. We are still young, and we have a lot of issues within us. We still have a lot of growing to do. We don't even understand ourselves yet, and we claim that we are capable of fully committing to another person. Our knowledge is too shallow to even dive into it.

They entirely blame it on the idea that having a partner will completely close our chapter of hurt. They believe that a partner has the ability to save us from whatever trauma we encounter. How can you give your burdens to the other person like they're their own?

And the other loves the idea that they can actually save and fix their partner. They are seeing red but defending it as hurting and letting themselves own their hurts, like it's their responsibility. Are you seriously thinking that you can fix a broken person? Wake up! You can't even fix yourself. It only proves that you still don't know anything.

Unfortunately, we are all so easily deceived because we are ridiculously curious and foolish. We believe in what could be true. We thought we were in love, but we are not even half way there yet. We let people in and ruin each other. We chase feelings so much, not knowing that feelings always change. We are shedding the trust of the young mind, but it's our fault because we took a risk on it.

Love shouldn't be a trend, an influence, or an experiment. It is pure and just and never fails. There is more meaning to it than there is. It's something that even words are not enough to define because it is something priceless that is meant to happen in our lives if we just understand it right. Did you seriously think that it's fine to play with its definition, seeing that the true meaning of it will come to us when we are older? If our foundation for it is unprofound, don't expect it to be real when we get older.

Don't even get mad if I say something about it. Don't make me into a villain who's trying to ruin your momentary happiness. I just want you to know that you know better than that.

Falling in love is, I believe, a magical experience that shouldn't be taken lightly. It doesn't deserve uncertainty. If we fall, we should fall hard. Love is sacred, and these early relationships are ruining its essence. It's all delicate and bound to break, and if we break, we'll never be whole again.

To all of the teenagers who stayed with me, standing on their own ground with their minds, let us remain strong and prove to the world that love still exists. 

Let us raise our flag for what should be love. We still exist, so let us continue existing. We can entertain the idea for a moment, but let's not fall for it, for it is a fraud. Pretenders will slowly creep in and predictability will try to infiltrate our growing and innocent minds, but until love is what it should be like, not what it should feel like, let us stand on our ground, our minds.

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