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"You liked the sight beside you?" You heard him whisper in your ear.

"No" and you shifted leaving some more space between you and him.

You heard his giggles, you really wanted to punch him in the face a few minutes ago but why are you liking his giggles?

You removed his thoughts and tried to focus back on the lecture.

After 2 hours your class finally came to an end and you realise Jungkook wasn't beside you.

Not even your notebook.

He was writing the notes in your notebook for himself?

Fucking thief.

You stood up on the ground and saw others leaving the room but you couldn't spot your notebook thief.

You packed your bag and ran out of the class, you tried to find the thief but there were soo many people your eyes couldn't find him.

You were burning in anger now, he crossed the limits, he must have known nobody messes up with you still he messed up with your notes knowing damn well that you take your studies seriously.


You felt your body was really hot in anger and if you see him.

You'll eat him this second.

Suddenly you felt a tap at your shoulder and your turned around to find that mf thief.

He was smiling again, that God damn smile you'll kill him by your hands one day.

"You-" he cut you and brought his hand infront of you there you see your notebook and you finally cool down.

"Sorry, I just had to gather the members for a short meeting as soon as the class ended and when I look at my hand I found your notebook in my hand"

"I'm sorry" you look at him with your blank face and snatched your notebook from his hand.

You turned around to leave but he held your wrist, the injured one.

"Hey, hey, wait"

You stopped and was going to give him a earful.

"Your hand is bleeding"

He pulled you hand towards his face more and scrutinizes the bandage with his puppy doe eyes.

"I can-"

"You are bleeding soo much"

"Come on let's go to the hospital" you stared at him, it's just a bleeding why would you need to go to hospital is he duffer?

"It's just bleeding" you stated.

"No it's much more than that I can see it" and with that he pulled your hand and started walking leaving you trailing behind him like a puppy.

He took you to his car and opened the door but you paused.

"Wait a minute, I have class and-"

"Will you please shut that pretty mouth of yours and listen to me?" He spoke while clenching his jaw and eyes piercing through you.

You shut your mouth in an instant, you don't know why but you listened to him.

He made you sit in his car and put your seat belt on, your heart hammered in your chest with this close proximity where you can even smell his cologne.

He closed the door and came to sit beside you.

You don't know why are you not opposing him but you thought it's better to keep quiet when you remembered his piercing glare at you.

He drive you off to the nearest hospital from college which was only 5 minutes far you can be here in 10 minutes by walk still he took the car, showing off that's what he does.

But you don't understand why is he acting like this to you, but if seen practically he's doing the job he should've done because he's the only reason behind your injured hand.

The 5 minutes ride was silent, you sat there awkward as it was your first time in someone else's car, plus he is your new enemy how can you be all cool when your enemy is driving the car thinking is he really doing good deed or he'll jump out of the car before crashing it and you'll be dead, maybe that's his pla-

"Come out princess" you realised Jungkook was standing on your side of the door with his hand in your direction for you to take.

When did you reach, you were thinking he'll do something bad but it didn't happen, is he for real?

No you don't think so, he's just showing off that's it.

You gave your hand in his as you have no other option, he pulled you up to stand and closed the door and you both begins to walk.

You hand is still in his hold and you feel like a lost puppy again.

He took you to the doctor and he examined it carefully after opening your bandage.

"How did you get it?" The doctor asked.

"I was collecting the glass pieces and one of them got struck but I removed it"

"No didn't got rid of it totally, I can still see some minute piece of glass, just wait I'll remove it"

"But what kind of glass was this?" The doctor asked.

"My window glass" and then you turned your head back to the culprit and gave him a glare.

His expression was a shocked one, looks like his face colour has been faded, now he knows who did this.

You turned back when you felt pain while the doctor was trying to remove more pieces of glass.

"Aahh" you hissed in pain.

You heard noises behind you and when you turned back you saw him standing just behind you.

The doctor smiled and spoke.

"Calm down gentleman I won't let anything happen to your girlfriend"

What? The hell?

"I'm not-"

"Yes doctor please take care of her it's all my fault" and he bowed his face in sadness.

Oh my God he's soo full of drama reason why he leads in all the plays, he is such an actor.

The doctor wrapped your hand in bandages and spoke.

"Everything will be fine let me write some medicine, give it to your girlfriend on time"

"Yes sir, sure" you were sitting there while turning your head towards doctor and then at him like a puppy again.

You gave him a glare and he gave you a smirk with a wink.


Please ignore grammatical mistakes I haven't edited it.

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