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"Looks like you missed me alot, Sugar"

He isn't gonna stop this I know.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night" my reply and the tsunami going inside me is totally different but I've to kept it hidden otherwise he'll tease me.

"It's only you" he smiled showing his full teeth this time.

I gave him an eye roll he's such a simp. My stomach did a butterfly effect but I was calm.

One of the classmate who are working in the cafe walked to us with a plate of Macaroons, pancakes, a slice of chocolate, strawberry and cheesecake.

Although I love sweets but this is too many.

My tummy made a noise and Jungkook looked at me, oh God can't this day go more embarassing?

The classmate left and he took the Macaroon plate and forwarded in my direction.

"Eat this, this one's tasty here.. I've tried"

I did not say a word but took the plate and started to eat it. I ate two then I took a bite of cheesecake and it tasted nice.

I wanna eat more but my stomach is full.

How am I gonna finish others?

"You can take them all home with you" he replied showing me his toothy grin again.

"But why aren't you eating?" I asked when I noticed he didn't touched anything but was only smiling.

"I already ate"


I did not say a word but took a little of pancakes to taste it. It tasted nice when I looked up he was already looking at me and gave me a smile.

I kept my fork down coz he's making me a little conscious.

"My mom had an accident"

My eyes widened and flew to his face.

"Oh my God" I gasped and my one hand covered my mouth.

He puts his hand on my hand that was on the table and squeezed it with a smile.

"Don't worry Sugar, she's alright"

"What happened?"

"My mom just had a car accident and the same day my dad left for China for business"

"The hospital called him but he was in air. The call didn't connect so they called me and I ran to Busan with my heart in my mouth"

"When I reached there, I found out she's fine.. everything's fine"

"She was driving the car and got hit somewhere, she would've gotten lots of injuries but airbags saved her. She just got some internal injuries and a little external injuries, otherwise she is totally fine"

He stopped talking and looked out of the window. I looked at him and then I put my hand on his. He looked at our hands and smiled.

He then looked down at his lap and said.

"I got scared when the hospital called me.. Sorry Sugar I left without saying a word"

What should I do with this sweet boy? Thinking of me when he was on the verge of breaking apart.

"Jungkook" I squeezed his hand to gain his attention. He looked up at my face.

"You don't have to say sorry, you had an emergency, and yes you should've ran the way you ran for her that's your mom"

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