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"Waiter, I need more drinks"

"No, she don't" I ordered him and he stopped.

"Stay out of my business Jeon" she replied while sending a glare in my direction.

Fuck, that was so hot.

She's totally drunk.

"You're my business, sugar"

She turned her head back to me with a raised brow, she looks so hot but at the same time so cute with her red nose and cheeks due to drinking.


"And why're you everywhere?" She asked while pouting.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I know.. you're not real"

I bent down till her face.

"Have you seen me somewhere else?"

"Yes" she pouted.

"You're not leaving.. leaving my mind" she puts her hand on her face and hide it in frustration.

One moment I felt excited but after seeing her frustrated sigh I feel like she's suffering.

"I'm sorry" I said.

She turned her head back to me and stood up on her wobbly legs.

She puts both of her palms on my cheeks, forming the biggest pout she could make and speaking with worried eyes.

"Awwwww, didn't.. didn't mean to hurt you-"

"-but you're.. you're everyyywhereeee"

Her hands feels so warm on my skin and my body feels so excited by her light touch.

"I'm not hurt, it's okay Sugar-"

"-I'll take you home" it felt like a arrow stabbed in my heart but her cute worried words stopped me from overthinking.

I removed my jacket and tried to make her wear it coz her dress is illegal.

"No, no, noooooooo" she shaked her head and moved back in disagreement.


"Nooooooo" she shouted this time.

"What happened Sugar?" I asked.

"I'm not here to go back home, I'm here to get a gooooddd fuckkk" she told me and my eyes widened in surprise when those words left her mouth.

She really dolled up for this?

For these men ogling her figure like a hungry tiger looking for his prey.

No man can touch or have a glance of her when I'm around her or not.

I looked back to her to find her finishing her glass.

"Hey hey.. no more drinks" I snatched the glass from her hand and put it on the counter.

"Come on let's go"

"Noooo" she shouted.

"Ave, it's okay, I'll bring you here again" I tried to hold her hand but she moved back.

"No, I ain't going anywhere until I get a good fuck"

If she would not have been this drunk she would've cut her tongue and buried it somewhere.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you that"

"What? A good fuck????" She asked making my widened eyes more widened.

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