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Just like every other day I'm late. It has become my hobby to be running for or from things or people.

I threw a new jeans -that I bought yesterday when I went to shop for my dress that I'll wear for the dance performance- a top and again ran with my shoes in my hand to my elevator.

As soon as I exit. I came out of my building and paused.

I'm late for the class.

I'm late for the bus.

I'm late for everything.

I'm late.


I was freezed.

Was I late for him too?

I know.

I know the answer.

I couldn't move, not an inch.

I was only watching at a distance where a Mercedes stood with a boy.

And just like yesterday.

Just like day before yesterday.

He wasn't there.

The car wasn't there.

I don't know why it feels like my heart is drowning, there's a pain in my chest that has risen up since I've stopped seeing him in my view.

I've never ever been like this for any boy.

Never for the one who annoys me.

But look at me being so mad at my dear own self and regretting everytime I've rejected him.

It's not like I like him or something. It's totally not like that.

It can never be like that as for once I fell.. I fell very bad and some memories become a trauma for ourselves.

I ain't gonna fall for someone like him but he's so different but so similar to him.

I don't know what I should be even doing at this point of my life.

I've stopped my thoughts and brought myself back to the world when I heard the horn of the bus.

I put my shoes on the ground and wore them. I took a glance of the place of Mercedes which was missing and turned around to run.

I reached the bus stop and it was my luck that I got the bus today and sat in one of the window seat.

I like to look out to the clouds. They stop the turmoil going on in my mind but looks like this one won't stop.

I was looking for the Mercedes throughout the way till my college.

Just the way he's always around me whenever I rejects his car rides.

He always follows me.

But there was no Mercedes on the road following me till the college.


It isn't like I like him but it's making me anxious.

Is he safe?

I just want to know this.

I just want to see him and feel yes he's safe.

I just want to know..


A smile touched my lips remembering the names he calls me.

Calls me sugar but he's the most sweetest man I've ever met.

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