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3 classes done 1 more left.

Do I really need to do this?

Yes I need to.

I made a annoying face and went to sit beside Jimin coz I don't want that basketball team captain anywhere around me.

I've successfully dodged him in the last 3 classes, this one will have Jimin so yeah.

Doing great.

Last one also had Jimin but I sat beside my girl friends.

"Hey" Jimin the sunshine in his cheerful voice said.

"Hey" I replied in my 6% battery left voice.

"Tired Ave?" I nodded.

"You can sleep in this class" he gave me a very good idea.

"No I can never do that"

"Yeah, topper girly"

"Maybe I am, but I can't sleep when someone is continuously speaking"

"I can sleep very peacefully when someone is speaking lol" Jimin said and laughed.

His phone dinged and he checks the messages and I turned my face and put my head down on the table.

"Hey, hey"

I sat up straight again.

"What happened?"

"Have you registered for the fest in dance?"

"No, shit, fuck, how can I forget about it, when's the last date??"


"What the fuck?"

"Don't worry Ave, I'll fill the form for you, okay?"

"Yes, yes, Jimin you sweetheart, why am I panicking when you're here"

He laughed.

"Don't worry, I knew you'll participate in this"

"Thanks Jimin, what would I've done without you"

Jimin has been one of my best friend since the college started. As we both share same hobbies like dancing.

I met him for the first time when we had a cultural fest and I was paired with him. Since then we have developed a nice friendship.

I have more friends but not every friend is in my every class and Jimin shares almost 4/6 subjects with me that none of my friends share but the annoying ass shares 5/6 damn.

"Nothing" he said and we both giggled.

I don't know why I feel a hole burning on my left side. I turned to my left to find the annoying ass looking in my direction with a raised brow and a frown on his face.

He was sitting beside me but his row was far from mine and had a big space between us. I felt so good to see the space between us, coz if any chair would have left vacant in my row beside me he would've taken it and that would've annoyed the hell out of me.

I turned back to Jimin and he told me about the songs and how the preparations going on and he even told me he needs a partner and I can be his partner.

So I agreed to him coz that's Jimin who flows like water and if I'm his partner I'll be just like him yes yes yes.

My left side was still burning but I did not look again at the annoying face.

Our class came to an end and I took my leave from Jimin and left to the gates of the college.

I was walking when suddenly a car stopped infront of me, making me stop in my tracks my heartbeat picks up coz I thought I was going to be under this car.

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