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"Why have you brought me back to my home?" You spoke when you saw your apartment's building outside.

Yes for the whole ride you ignored him and his talks, you were busy texting your friends.

"Coz princess you need rest" he replied and you want to smack his head hearing the nickname.

"I have classes"

"Yeah me too" he said and got out from his side, you were now in a fury why is he being super annoying today.

"Come on princess you need rest" he said while standing on your side of the door opening it for you to get out.

A frown took over your face and you sat there crossing your arms on your chest letting him know that you won't move until and unless he drops you to college again.

"Drop me to college" you told him.

"Yes sure, be ready tomorrow at 6:45 I'll be here" he spoke and earned a glare from you when you saw him smirking.

"I said now, right now-" and a squeak left your lips when he grabbed you by your legs and threw you on his shoulder.

"Quite stubborn, I know" he got a hold of your bag locked the door of his car and begins to walk in the direction of your building.

"Put me down you shit" you whisper yelled when you saw some faces you know lives in the same building as you, a feeling of shame wash over you.

"I will" he said, still he didn't put you down on the ground.

In rage you groped his hair with your other hand and pulled it.

"Umm.. wow.. I'm loving it" this time you started to hit his back.

"Put me down Jungkook" you were now in the lift and saw his face in the mirror and spoke again.

"Will you put me d-"

"No" he spoke while clenching his jaw and eyes piercing through you the same glare you saw when he was adamant to take you to the hospital.

And again just like the last time you shut up your mouth instantly.

The doors of the lift opened on your floor, he walked you till your room and you realised you didn't even told him the floor or room number you live.

He finally put you on the ground, your legs go wobbly from the sudden shift and you stumble ahead on his chest he saved you by wrapping his arms around your waist and when you look up you were mesmerized by his twinkling doe eyes that met yours.

You blinked but still stared at his beautiful, galaxy filled orbs and just for a second his eyes dropped to your lips then back at your eyes again.

You were so lost in his eyes that you forgot you were in his hold and was standing outside your room in the corridors.

You saw him leaning towards you but you couldn't do anything so you closed your eyes and tilted your head more to give him access to your lips.

You felt his nose booped on yours and in an instant you opened your eyes and saw his lips curled in upwards direction, realization hits you what you were allowing him to do.

You pushed him away and stand back on your foot, you turned around to face the door with your eyes widened when you realise that you were disappointed when he didn't took your lips.

You want to smack your head so bad when you realise what are you even fantasizing.

You were ready to give your lips to the annoying basketball captain who you hate the most since last night.

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