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"What do you think of car sex?"

I blinked and blinked more. Here I was trying so hard to control myself and look at her.

She's not helping at all.

"Jungooo telllme tellme tellme" she asked again with her visible pout and her hands on my chest, digging her fingers over my heart.

Oh how I love to let her play with my heart.

She started to move on my lap making me leave a low moan.


I've no words to reply first coz the question is so unfit for the situation.. my situation and second coz she's moving too much near my already hard area.

"Aaaahhhhh..." Another moan, I've to control myself.


"Tellme jungkooo" she showed me her cutest pout.

She's so baby and I'm getting horny over all this. Anything she does I get horny.

Control your dick fucker Jeon.

"Sugar, let's leave for your home? Then I'll tell you, okay?"

She showed me her pouty frown face and I tried so hard to control myself.

She started moving again.

I'm so done.

I put my hand on either side of her waist to stop her.


"Baby, please don't give me a hard time"

She looked at me like I said something out of the box.

She then started to look around her trying to find something.

"What happened?" I asked.

She took my hand from her waist and brought it close to her eyes.


"I'm looking at the hard time, I've never seen it"


Then I realised she's looking at my watch to find the hard time.

I laughed and she looked at me.

She leaves my hand and puts her chin on my chest and look up while smiling like a ediot and me looking down in her brown ones like a same ediot.

"Honey, please sit on your seat, we've to reach home"

"No, I donnnnt wanna be faaar away from youuu" she said while blinking lots like she's fighting with sleep.

"You legs will be sore, if you'll sit like this"

"Naaaaahhh, it won't"

She then wrapped her hands around my waist and puts her chin on my shoulder like she misses me, like she needs some comforting from the hug, I also wrapped my hand on her waist and puts the other on her back.

This is the first time she has choosen me for comfort, my heartbeat is picking up more with this thought.

I slide my hand down and the warm skin of her comes in contact, the only barrier was her dress.

It feels so good to roam my hands all over her skin, it makes me so calm that I forget I was doing this to put her to sleep.

I caressed her back again and this time I can hear her little snores near my ear.

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