Chalter 6 - First Day

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It wasn't even the break of day when he heard a knock on his door. A muffled voice resonated through the door. Midoriya having already tidied up his bedroom opened the door to a now well-ventilated room.

"I was sent to get you. Do you have everything ready?" Aizawa said.

He had a head start, to settle into the fake city, that much he knew. He will be the first one there, then came the business course students who had set up shops and have built themselves a career. The next ones were the civilians, robots and humans alike and in the end it was the heroes' turn.

"Yes." the boy said picking up his bags.

He was led down the hallways of the 1A Heights Alliance, no footsteps could be heard coming from either of them. The heroes in training were probably soundly sleeping, a last moment of peace. Aizawa was taking a subtle glance towards the quite large bags, 'What could be in those?', he was asking himself, 'Isn't he provided with most of the necessary items?'.

"Ok problem child, first we'll stop by the maintenance room, you'll find supplies there you can take whatever you need."

Midoriya nodded and they eventually arrived. He quickly scooped up some items and shoved them in his bag, as if already having made up his mind about what he wanted. He couldn't have Mei create all his gear, he needed her for the sensitive stuff. He picked up a few normal knives, and a Kevlar vest his size, which believe it or not wasn't small at all. Izuku had a lean body with compact muscles -- unlike people like All Might-- that was still toned. Eraserhead was watching him and his nonchalant expression, he was composed, no emotion betrayed his face. Packing some more rope, duct tape and several bottles of a rack, Izuku zipped up his bag and that was the sign to leave. First, he would have to meet with Nezu on the way to the city to acquire his communication device, then he'd be dropped off to find a base to settle in, preferably before the next set of people arrived.

"Midoriya!" a squeaky voice called.

"Good morning principal."

"I see you are prepared." the creature said looking at his hands. "Here are the comms."

Izuku took the earpiece and put it in, after a quick test with the observation room, Nezu climbed in Aizawa's scarf.

"I wish you good luck!"

"Good luck Midoriya."

And with that, they were off, walking towards the observation tower.

Midoriya burst into the city, with the structure already memorized all he had to do is get to his base. He lifted off a manhole cover and threw his bags first landing on them. Taking a few confusing turns, he found an empty rundown room-like space. The air was humid enough he could get pneumonia or an infection, but at least it wouldn't be as bad as the poor souls that would have nitric acid thrown at them. There are cameras around the whole city, including the underground system, watching his every move. The walls had water stains and old grafitti, the concrete was chipping, and the metal mesh platform was slightly bent. He flipped the bags upside down and started aligning everything on the floor counting once again just to be sure. The canal was dark, save for a few broken lights that somehow still worked... well blinked.

Time to start. Taking his C4s he stuffed them in a plastic bag and began taking turns through the tunnels. He changed in some inconspicuous clothes, a full-body black suit with his iron soles shoes. He had a harness that held a few knives and his pants had more pockets than he could count. His hoodie was soft and the hood was pulled over his green straight hair, he didn't bother curling his hair in the mornings anymore, it did fit the personality he created better but that one was gone by now, he would give it his all and then-- perhaps as a blessing in disguise-- will do it sooner than he thought he would. It was overall a cheap suit he improved after buying it from outside the school. Eventually he reached a manhole cover. Lifting it up he was met with a different sight. The underground system sure was useful, it connected all the import places right to his base. Right now he was at the hospital. He entered through the front doors, not bothering as there wasn't anyone there. 'They could've made this harder.' he thought. He placed 3 C4s in points of weak structure and set off to the next building, the police headquarters.

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