Chapter 11 Attack on the glade

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The doors didn't close Minho and I were the only ones that seemed to notice and slowly Gally realized we had turned around apparently captivated by something... Gally then noticed and yelled "The doors aren't closing and something bad is going to happen I can feel it in the air." Then just as gally uttered these words grievers came crawling out of the maze and into the glade the battle ensued I grabbed Hanna's arm and Minho followed me to get Newt, Alby, and Chuck. As we ran we ducked into one of the pits for the newcomers trying to control our breathing and no such luck did we have a greiver found us and busted through the door about to sting Chuck Alby jumped in front and I watched the stinger go straight through Alby's chest and he dropped to the floor as the greiver withdrew. Newt started to scream and we had to restrain him. Then Hanna took hold of newt's hand and siad "Newt it's all rigght Alby didn't die in vain we will escape and he died a noble death he saved Chuck." As we all looked at Chuck tears were streaming down the 12 year olds face "He was always rooting for me, telling me never to give up, and we won't let him die in vain! For Alby!" As Chuck jumped up and we all follwed and went into the swarm of greivers fighting. Minho and I doubleteamed and managed to kill a greiver and as soon as the gray dawn showed up on the horizon the greivers left as quickly as they came.

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