Chapter 2 Bonfire

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        "Well Darcy, welcome to the Glade, why dont you come down and I'll convince Newt and Alby to not put you in the pit?" I thought about this and said "You Promise?" "Promise" 
Thomas said.

I climed down the ladder, I hadn't noticed Minho was staring at me. As we got down to the ground Thomas said, "Be right back, just stay here."

As Thomas ran over towards Alby and Newt Minho turned towards me and spoke hesitantly, "Darcy, you could be a runner but it will be hard to convince Newt and Alby they'll be shuckin freaking out when I ask them. Just be prepared to prove yourself as a runner."

I just now looked Minho straight in the eyes and behind the worry in his eyes I could see a glint of happiness every time he looked at me. "You know we should be friends, Minho." He smiled, "Yeah that would be nice Darcy." As I walked away from Minho a boy walked up to me and glared, "Stay out of my way greenie you have already caused a lot of trouble!"

Newt then walked up."Sorry about that.." I mumbled. "It's okay and by the way that guy was Gally... I'd heed his warning if I were you he's the shuckiest shuck in the shuckin world. We are having a bonfire tonight do you want to come?" I thought about that for a minute "I would love to thanks."

        The bonfire was enjoyable so far. I had mainly hung out with Minho and Thomas. Occasionally I gave Gally resentful looks and Minho and Thomas would laugh.

Newt came over with a  jar of somethng and said with a smirk, "Drink some of this." I took a long drink, it tasted good. As I put the jar down Newt asked, "Did you like it?" "Hell  yeah it was good. What's in it?" I grinned. Newt laughed, "That's not usually the reaction I get. When Thomas first tried he spit it out. And it's Alby's recipe, I don't know what's in it." 

I looked over at Thomas and his face was bright red and I laughed, but I stopped laughing when I heard Gallys voice a little too loudly. I looked over and saw that he was wrestling and every one that challenged him was losing.
"Time  for me to take care of this..." I got up and Minho said, "Darcy I wouldn't do that if I were you." I ignored Minho's warning and walked over to Gally. "Let's go." I said in all seriousness.

Gally took the first punch and he badly missed. I kicked him in the stomach and that seemed to make him even madder. I came closer and punched him in the nose, and blood streamed down his face. He took a swing a me and didn't miss, he had kicked me in the side and it stung. I took one final kick and kicked him where the sun don't shine and he fell. Alby who had been sitting  there watching stood up and said, "Bonfire's over every one go."

         I didn't know where I was supposed to sleep. While I was standing there pondering where to go a pudgy brown headed boy who looked to be about 12 walked up to me. "Hey, I'm Chuck. Gally is a shuck face I'm  glad you beat him up. Come on Alby told me to set you up a hammock so follow me." Chuck seemed nice so I followed him and there was a hammock set up beside Minho's, "This  is yours." Chuck said. "Thanks Chuck," I layed down and looked up into the stars, and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

EDITED 11/8/16

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