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Sounds of battle were ringing inside the entire dungeon.
*Burst* "you can do it Luna!"
"Blaze sphere!"
"Haaa! Dark blade!"

Hmmm they are fighting surprisingly good tbh....well let me tell you what happened.

-before 2 hours

"N-nice to meet you!"
"Me too!"
"W-well let's start our introduction first! My name is Luna and I am a thief! I specialise in agility
"My name is Lucas and I am a mage!I know all elemental magic and some other magics."
"My name is Clamie and I am a mage too! I know some opposite magics!"
"Your magic is too complex not gonna lie"
"B-but it's good in combat!"
"W-well my name is Marie and am a healer!"

Hmmm they have a pretty balanced team....well looks like it's my turn o introduce myself.
"Well my name is Sparx,and I am warrior class. Nice to meet you all!"
"Oh a warrior?"
"Nice to meet you!"
"So...let's head towards the labyrinth!"
"Let's go!"
"YAYYY! Imagine how much treasures and rare artifacts we can find there!"

- at entrance of labyrinth
"Um Sparx! Can you let us fight first? We need to earn some experience in these kinda labyrinth to tackle more labyrinth so..."
"Ya ya you can have some fun!"
"Ok! Thanks!"

- current
"Yay! We cleared the first floor!"
"Let's go to 2nd floor!"

-A bustling city

After traveling for a while I found lot of different structures which humans use to call it buildings,there were different stalls,markets besides the streets.

I had learnt the power to harness light and hid my horns from others to see, so I was completely human looking right now.
As i was walking through the streets someone called out.

"Hey miss! You look lonely! Do you want this tasty roasted RatteCow Meat? Don't worry! It's a sample so you don't have to worry about paying!"

Huh? I have read many things in the camps books,so....I WANT TO TRY THESE "FOOD" which those humans described in 10-30 pages of every book! A-ahem l-lets not try to act suspicious....
I nodded and walked to the stall and took the sample plates placed at the table, many people besides me were picking the plates....l-lets dig in!

I picked a piece of meat with my finger and *chew chew chew* mmmmmmmmmmWAAAAAAA now I know why the humans described these foods in those books!! This meat thingy is soo fleshy and it has so much flavour!! L-lets try to remember the recipes used in it so I can try to make it for myself when traveling long distance!!

*Chew chew chew* mmmmmm now I can bring souvenirs for my family! Let's go!

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