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; happy , pleased


I glance up at the night sky, which is adorned with tiny stars that blink in the darkness.

His eyes were on the road as I turned my head to look at him, but I was unable to avert my gaze. He was like a magnet that kept attracting me to him.

He nicknamed me "Diya" instead of Vidhya. When he called me by that name, my eyes widened.

What occurred, he questioned I shook my head, "Diya," that's not how anyone has addressed me.

"So, where are we going now?" I questioned as I observed him. He replied, "You will see."

I whined, "Tell me," "Wait for just five minutes, Diya." He called me that, and it made me flush because it felt so wonderful.

I simply nodded before facing the full moon and gloomy sky.

"We are here!" He said as he parked the car. I looked outside only to find endless of darkness. I looked at him , he was already looking at me.

"Where are we?" I asked confused as he brought me here. "Come out" was his only response. I came out, the gentle breeze gazed my face . It sent chills all over my body, that's when I heard the sound of waves.

I went closer towards the sound, he brought me to a beach. I went near the water, placed my legs into it. The chill water felt nice against my legs.

"Your fine being here"I nodded my head and smiled. The beach was calm, I felt relaxed.

"Thank you" I whispered as I looked at him. He came closer to me , took my hand then walked towards his jeep.

He placed his hands on my waist then picked me up and placed me on his jeep's front.

He now stood in front of me , our face close . His hands either side of my waist, "Diya , why did you cry is something bothering you" he asked . I looked at him , then shook my head.

"No problem sir" I mumbled. "You sure" I nodded my head. He sighed and nodded his head.

He then sat beside me , we both looked at the endless dark sky and bright moon . The waves calmed me down unknowingly I placed my head on his shoulder.

I quickly sat straight but he placed my head on his shoulder by himself. I sighed and looked ahead.

We both sat their comfortably , I don't know how long but his presence brought me peace and comfort .I don't know this feeling but it feels right to be in his presence!.

"Diya come on it's already 9 , you didn't have your dinner" he said but I whined as I felt myself slipping into good sleep.

He got down then motioned Me to get down but i shook my head . "Nooo can't we can stay here for sometime" I whined again as he shook his head again.

"No I am not leaving this place" I pout as I refused to get down. "Diya I am warning you get down or else?" He threatened .

"Or else what ?what will you do?" I raised my eyebrow and glared at him .

"You won't like it Diya . I suggest you to get down" he smirked , me being the dump creature again I shook my head as a no.

He now came closer towards me , he then placed his hands on the either side of my hips. When he placed them before when he lifted me .

I didn't feel his touch much as I was in a deep thought.

But now his close proximity alone makes my breathing faster, eyes wide and my heart is beating so fast like it's running in a marathon race.

He came closer , now our nose brushing against each other. I looked at his eyes then his lips . We both looked at each other. I didn't know when he lifted me up and placed me on the ground .

The next thing I know is he kissed my forehead then went to the driver seat. I looked at his retreating back looking at him in utter disbelief .

He sits in his seat then smirks at me , at my state, my expression. He horns the car , he laughs at my state. This man.

I walk towards the car and open it then sat down.

He smirks looking at me , I so wanted to wipe his smirk of his face.

I then think of an idea! Haha karma is a bitch they say!

I take his jeep key before he can start the jeep, "what di!" He looks at me . I smirk at him, I went towards him then sat myself on his lap.

Now he looked wide eyed, his breathing quicks as I lean close to him. "Diya enna ?" I hush him as I placed my finger on his lips. I traced it with the my pointer finger.

"Diya" he groaned . Damn his deep voice is soo hot. I let my fingers to run into his hairs, I gripped his hairs then tug it backwards .

He hissed in pain , I brought my face closer to his lips , I looked at him. His eyes darker than normal, he looked soo tempting.

I moved closer , he closes his eyes .

I placed a quick kiss on his forehead then lift myself from his lap and sat in my seat.

I clutched the seatbelt and clicked it then saw him. His face with utter disbelief, now it's my turn to smirk.

"Y-you. Are you serious?" He groaned in annoyance. "Sir it's already 9:30 sir . I am hungry" I tell him , keeping my face innocently like I didn't try to kiss him or I didn't kiss his forehead.

"You tease" he mumbles. I laugh at his state. "Laugh all you want but one day I won't let you go so easily" he whispered in my ear. He bit my ear as I hissed in pain.

He then started the jeep and we went towards Kamala aunties shop. A soft melody song played in the radio as we both fell into comfortable silence.


Hey there!

Thank you for reading this chapter and thanks to the people who supports this story. It means a lot to me !

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Lots of love


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