A Nightmare Comes True Part 3: Trying to Find an Escape

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In Ash and Serena's house, their kids; Jim and Amy, still sat on the blue couch. Listening to their parents in the chair across from them.

Serena began, "Now kids, the dream world Hexuba had trapped us in was getting worse by the minute."

Ash added, "Luckily, we still had some friends on the outside."

Jim stated, "We know. Auntie Sunset and the others."

Amy said, "We've been paying attention to this overly detailed story, despite our best efforts not to, so we know they still hadn't been caught yet."

Serena told them, "Maybe. But have you figured out how they could have known we were in trouble?" Both kids shook their heads, and Serena smiled, "Well then let us explain."


In Sci-Twi's house, the HuMane 7 were looking tired, as they continued their research. Looking over at the sleeping Goh and Grooky, Sunset noticed them restlessly moving, causing the blanket around them to fall off. She went over and picked it up. As she placed it back on them, she touched Goh's shoulder, causing her Geoid power to activate, allowing her to see inside Goh's mind. This caused her to see flashes of Goh, Grooky, Dawn, Piplup, and Serena all trapped in the stands of the stadium in the dream world. As well as all of them being forced to watch Ash and Deviot fight in a Pokemon battle, with Ash's Infernape currently taking on Devoit's Gardchomp. Once the vision ended, Sunset quickly began to shake Goh, "Goh! Goh, Grooky! Wake up!"

They didn't respond, causing Sunset to give the others concerning looks, with Fluttershy asking with her own concern, "What is it, Sunset?"

Sunset told them, "You guys, Goh, and the others are in trouble!"

Applejack then asked, "What do ya mean? Goh's right here?"

Sunset explained, "When I touched him my Geoid activated and showed me what was going on inside his head. He, along with Ash, Serena, and Dawn, all seem to be trapped in a dream realm, where Ash is battling Devoit in a Pokemon battle and losing."

Sci-Twi said, "Oh no! Our friends!"

Sunset stated, "We've got to help them!"

Rainbow Dash asked, "But what about the others?"

Rarity added, "Rainbow is right. If Ash and the others are affected, maybe Pooh, Yuya, and the rest are too?"

Pinkie Pie shouted, "We have to help them!" The group headed out.

Back in the dream world, Ash continued his battle with Deviot. He just shouted, "Flare Blitz!" Infernape surrounded himself in blue fire and shot into the air, up towards the flying Gardchomp, only for Gardchomp to fly to the left to dodge.

Deviot then gave his order, "Draco Meteor!" Gardchomp shot an orange energy sphere from its mouth into the sky, which then broke apart into dozens of energy spheres that began to rain down on the battlefield.

Ash said, "Dodge it." Infernape landed back on the ground, ending his Flare Blitz, and began to run for it. He dodged one energy sphere this way, which exploded behind him, before rolling forward to dodge the next. He then jumped to the right to dodge another and then ran forward so more would miss, "Mach Punch!" Infernape jumped up and summoned white energy around his left fist, which he used to punch Gardchomp in the cheek, sending hr dragon flying upward.

However, Gardchomp managed to stop themselves soon enough, "Dragon Claw!" Both of Gardchomp's claw arms glowed green and they slammed them into Infernape's head, sending him crashing to the ground. As he got back up, Deviot recalled Gardchomp to its Pokeball, "Return, Gardchomp." He quickly took out and tossed another Pokeball, "Now go, Charizard!" The fire lizard emerged from the Pokeball and immediately used its wings to take to the sky.

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