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"Can I stay over tonight?" I asked Jongho. Jongho lived with Yeosang ever since they...became something. 

I wasn't entirely sure what. They were both asexual and aromantic but they acted like they were a couple. None of us really commented on it much because it was obvious we didn't understand, but that was okay. We didn't need to. They were happy so it didn't matter. 

"Sure..." Jongho said hesitantly, throwing me some worried glances. "What's going on?" 

I chewed on my bottom lip anxiously. "You know the guy San told me to stay away from?" 

Jongho clenched his jaw, keeping his eyes on the road as he drove us home. "I'm aware of him." 

"I don't know...I might just be overreacting but it was weird, Jongho. There was a guy who started calling me slurs because he said I looked gay and blah blah blah. Anyway, San and Wooyoung stood up for me and things got a little violent. Hongjoong came in and it was like everything just went dead silent. I mean...he told the guy to apologize to me and he did! He fucking bowed to me, Jongho, when before he was on the verge of beating me to death. I just don't understand." 

"San knows Hongjoong better than anyone, Seonghwa. So when he says stay away from him, he means it." Jongho glanced at me, looking incredibly serious. "I don't know much about Hongjoong, but I know he's pretty weird." 

"San is a good kid though. Why would he associate with someone so dangerous then?" I asked. It just didn't make sense to me. I know sometimes people could have shit friends but I always saw that as a reflection of the person themselves. 

You know where I learned that? 


He never stayed around bad people. Hell, I've watched him end a five year friendship because his friend cheated on his girlfriend. He didn't play around and he took morals and values very serious. He wouldn't just be friends with someone so dangerous like that. That wasn't the type of person he was. 

"I don't know, Hwa. He's just a mystery. And that's not always a good thing. If what happened tonight freaked you out, that's saying something because you've seen some fucked up shit. Take that as a sign." He said, pulling into the driveway. 

I nodded, "Okay. I already promised San I'll stay away from him, maybe I should. You're both right, this is a sign." 

"Good." Jongho said b ut he didn't sound so sure. 

"Are you okay?!" I asked, running towards the couch. 

The moment I heard from Yunho that San got into a bike accident, I raced over here as fast as I could. 

He rolled his eyes, "Yes, Seonghwa. I'm fine." 

Despite his answer, he pulled me down to sit next to him and he wrapped his arms around me. I was content with cuddling with him because I knew he liked affection more than any of my friends and he never hesitated to show it. 

San had been in multiple bike accidents, so I knew I shouldn't have been so worried but I couldn't help it. Every time I found out, I was racing to his side. Even the times where we had gotten into huge fights, if I heard that he had gotten in an accident, I'd drop everything and run to his side to make sure he was okay. 

And he always was. 

"How are you doing?" He asked me. 

I saw the healing bruises on his face and I couldn't help feel a little guilty. I knew it wasn't just me he was defending when he took those shots, but I still couldn't help feel responsible for them. 

"I'm okay." I said, smiling at him. I leaned off of him so I could sit properly. "Who is Hongjoong?" 

He sighed like he prepared for this conversation to happen. "I don't really know if I can explain it well enough for you to understand. He's not a bad person, Seonghwa. I promise. Just trust me on this. I know he can be intense, but that's all it is." 

"Why do people listen to him like that?" I asked. 

"I guess he's given them a reason to. He's proven himself to people countless times so now people just trust him. You don't really see him like that other than his own parties. He's pretty protective over people who come to his parties so he can get a certain way if someone breaks a rule." 

I shook my head, deciding to leave it at that. "How'd this happen this time?" 

"It started raining when I was riding back with Wooyoung and we were going a little too fast because we wanted to get home before it started. I had a death wobble and the road was slick so the bike slid out from underneath us." He said. 

"Is Wooyoung okay?!" 

"Yeah, he didn't get hurt. I softened the blow for him. He's just resting at his dorm since he was here all last night." He continued. 

I sagged in relief then slapped him. "Stop making me worry so much." 

The corner of his lips lifted and he ruffled my hair. "You're cute when you're concerned for me."

"And you're annoying." I stuck my tongue out at him and got off the couch to look through their fridge. It was easier to find food in their kitchen now since Mingi, Mihi and San cooked. Even if San didn't cook often. 

I remembered coming over when it was just Yunho and San and it seemed like they were starving themselves with their lack of ability in the kitchen. 

I knew my history with San was complicated, but I couldn't have been happy that he was in a relationship with Wooyoung.

I think I always got the impression that if I was willing, San would be with me. Which sometimes blurred the lines of our relationship and it made me feel bad. 

It was why I usually pursued other guys so he wouldn't get the wrong impression. 

I don't know. Maybe if I let myself try and give up on the whole bad boy agenda, things would've worked out. It was too late now and maybe that was a good thing. 

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