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"No...no no no!" I cried, slamming my palms against my steering wheel. "You can't be serious! Come on!"

I wanted to scream, already so fucking frustrated after a stressful day just to have a tire flatten.


My windshield wipers were working overtime to try and battle the pouring rain. It was still so violent that I couldn't see anything. No wonder I busted a tire, I couldn't see shit. I let out a tired sigh, pulling my phone out of my back pocket as I put my car in park so I didn't have to keep my foot pressed against the brake pedal.

I immediately went to San's contact, knowing he was my only option at this point. I knew it was late and I knew he'd probably be sleeping because he had classes early in the morning. He'd be so pissed but honestly I just wanted to get off the road.

I heard a knock on the passenger side window, making me jump and my phone fell to the floor. I looked up with wide eyes to see a figure on the other side with a motorcycle helmet on, gesturing for me to lower the window.

Calming my pounding heart, I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned over to the passenger door, having to manually lower the window because my car was a piece of shit that was on its last legs ever since I lost my allowance.

"Yeah?" I asked, trying to be louder than the rain.

He flipped his visor up, water pooling off his helmet and onto his biker jacket. "Did you need help?"

I stared at him, puzzled. "Um...yeah! Can you help me?"

"Do you have a spare tire and a jack?" He asked.

I nodded eagerly, showing off a smile in appreciation. "Yes, I do!"

I should've known how to change my own tire. Especially driving a car like this, but honestly I've never learned. I never had a reason to learn and I just started to put it off whenever I got into college.

I grabbed my umbrella and got out of the drivers side to open my trunk. He pulled the jack out and walked over to the side of the car where the tire blew out. He crouched down and pulled off his helmet. I made sure the umbrella covered him even if I started to get a little wet so he didn't get instantly drenched by the rain. He was being kind enough to do this for me. The least I could do was hold the umbrella for him.

He worked easily as he undid the bolts, putting them to the side so he could pull the tire off and place it in my trunk. I followed him around, making it my mission to make sure he didn't get another drop of rain on him despite already being soaked.

He must've noticed because he smirked and for some reason I recognized it. "Do we know each other?" I suddenly asked.

His eyes met mine and he just looked so familiar that I knew it'd bother me for way too long.

"Why? Have we fucked?" He then asked casually.

My cheeks turned red and my eyes dropped down to the ground to avoid his gaze.

He chuckled, carrying the fresh tire over and put it on. "Shy much?"

"Obviously." I muttered.

It bothered me how much I found the laugh attractive. How much I found him attractive. But I ultimately decided he wasn't my type and maybe that was a bad thing.

Because my type would've left me in the pouring rain with no way of getting home.

No wonder San was worried about me.

He put the bolts back on and moved to the jack, putting the weight of my car back on the ground. "There you go. Try to drive safely or just wait until the rain ends. You don't have another tire, so."

"Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me. I would've been fucked without you." I said, despite it not being true. I knew I had San but I still wanted him to know I was truly thankful. I would've had to wait for San to wake up, get ready and drive all the way out here to help me.

"Don't sweat it. I'll see you again maybe." He flashed me a smile and winked at me before putting his helmet back on and getting on his sportbike.


I liked him. 

A/N: This is the preview from Just Lovers in case you wanted to read that first. :)

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