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I screamed. 

For a good five minutes I screamed because I was so sick and tired of the piece of shit rust bucket always fucking dying on me! 

Now I couldn't even call San because he was completely ignoring me! 

"FUCK!" I yelled, grabbing my phone from my pocket to scroll through my contacts and see who'd even help me. I settled for Hongjoong, knowing he was the only one who knew about cars other than San. 

He answered rather quickly and it was a huge relief. "What?" 

"My car broke down-"

"Where are you?" He asked, cutting me off. 

I blinked but kept going. "I'm in front of subway-"

He hung up. 

I squeezed my eyes shut, incredibly frustrated. 

Hongjoong pulled up in about ten minutes and got out of the car. I also got out of mine to see him. "Flat tire?" 

"No, it won't start." I said. 

He nodded, going to the hood. "Pop the hood." 

"I don't know how." I admitted and his eyes flicked up to look at me. 

"Babe...it's starting to get pathetic." He smirked at me and I felt my cheeks heat up and he walked over, getting extremely close until our faces were only inches apart. Then he was leaning down into the car and he pulled something. The hood popped and he left me there, my heart pounding in my ears and my breathing all out of whack. 


I watched his slide his fingers between the hood as he fiddled around with something before he pushed the hood up completely. "What did it sound like when you tried to start it?" 

"It...um...it sounded like clicking?" I said. 

"It's probably your battery. How long have you had it?" His eyes met mine again and I winced. "I take it you don't know?" 

"Yeah..." I said sheepishly, sounding like a fucking idiot. 

"Well I can try to jumpstart it but you might need a new battery. I'll see what I can do but if I can start it up again, I'll just have to drop you off at home and then get it towed. If you want me to work on it, just ask. There's no point in driving it, if it's just going to break down on you almost every day." 

"You'd really do that?" I asked, feeling myself soften for the man. 

"Sure. I'll do a thorough check cause I think we both know it needs it. Free of charge." He licked his lips and my eyes dropped to them. 


I needed to stop thinking what they would taste like if I kissed him. 

"Let me repark and I'll get my jumper cables, okay?" He said, snapping me out of my shameful thoughts. 

I sent him a coy smile, "Thank you, Hongjoong." 

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