It All Starts Today, I'm Letting Go Of All My Mistakes

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"You said the greatest villain was the one who got away...Then WHAT. AM. I?"

Harumi hurled at Lloyd, the knife in her hands, when Lloyd threw himself off the top of the train.

Harumi gasped in shock; How many trust falls could these "ninja" do?

Lloyd successfully landed on the boat on which Nya and Misako were rowing.

He hung his head and caught hold of Nya's shiny eye for a split second.

He hastily looked away.

The boat reached land, Lloyd quickly got off the boat, Nya and Misako followed.

Misako took a second to dust off her pants and straighten her backpack.

In that second, Lloyd and Nya caught eyes again.

"Lloyd..." Nya whimpered.

Lloyd was suddenly unable to help himself, he let out a huge sob and grabbed Nya into a hug.

Misako found the two sobbing and hugging when she turned around. She hesitated, but wrapped her arms around both of them slowly.


They had taken refuge in a Garbage Depot building which was hidden behind a door behind a dustbin.

Harumi and Garmadon were after them, and so were the Sons Of Garmadon.

Lloyd was training to become the leader of Nya's self made resistance army.

"Okay, you had the puffy potsticker, Lloyd, it's time to train again." Nya scolded.

Lloyd groaned and started training again.

The chain of Misako's mech got hold of Lloyd. He grunted and fell to the floor.

"Fight it, Lloyd!" Nya yelled.

"Let me out of it!" Lloyd yelled angrily.

"Lloyd, fight it!"

"NO!" Lloyd bellowed. "I can't do it. Just let me OUT, okay?!"

Misako let him out. Lloyd sighed and looked hopelessly into Nya's eyes.


"I watched the Bounty collapse," Lloyd spoke. His voice was almost a whisper. "And all I could do was watch."

"Lloyd—Harumi had you, and she had her knife and the mask...You wouldn't have been able to do anything even if you wanted to." Said Nya.

"But—I could have stayed with them—I could have used my parachute..."

"Lloyd, then you would have died too!"

"I'd die for my friends!"

"It's painful enough losing my brother, my boyfriend, my best friend AND my master," said Nya. "And you think it would have been less painful if you died along with them?"

"Nya, I—"

"It's a lucky thing you didn't die too because I would have been all alone. Me and Misako would have to fight Harumi and your father and everyone all by ourselves..."

"But I'm not that powerful anyway," Lloyd whimpered. "You don't need me." His eyes were full of painful tears.

"But Lloyd—You're the bravest person I know," Nya protested. "Harumi used you and manipulated you, she tried to gain your trust and then used it as a weapon to break your own heart! How could you possibly trust ANYONE after that?"

Lloyd looked way more pained now. His face crinkled and he backed away. His cheeks flushed in sadness and embarrassment.

"Lloyd, what she's saying is right," Misako spoke up. "She broke your trust. And broken things take some time to fix."

Lloyd gulped. "No. But sometimes they never fix. Like glass. Shattered and lost..." a tear slid down his small cheek.

"Lloyd..." Nya murmured. "Your heart isn't made of glass. You're strong and you'll get through this."

"No I won't," Lloyd whined like a little kid. "My friends were the only thing that made my life worthy to live."

"I'm your friend too, Lloyd—You haven't lost everyone—and your life was still worth living. You save people and you make more friends along the way, Lloyd.'re not at your best right now." Nya said.

"I know, but..." Lloyd trailed off. He gloomily walked over to a set of bleachers which were in the Garbage Depot (??) and sat down on the top step. Since he was short, his legs dangled three feet above the ground.

"It's okay, Lloyd. We'll get through it. We need to keep pushing and trying. It all starts today."

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