(Torn) Every line on these pages, Reminds me these thoughts, my own

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Alternate title: Torn.

Nya collapsed down to the ground, sobbing as Misako sat beside her, hugging her comfortingly.

Lloyd knocked out Ultra Violet and rushed over to them. "NYA! Are you okay?" He asked hurriedly.

Nya sobbed into his shoulder. "I tried to call for help...You were too far away to hear me..." she cried. "I shouldn't have gone alone."

Lloyd sang softly, "As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you..." Nya's sobs calmed down. "Don't ever leave me," she whispered. "I love you." She leaned onto his shoulder.

Lloyd suddenly remembered something. "Nya..." he said suddenly. "Harumi. She's...gone."

Nya looked up at him sadly. He frowned and sat down glumly. "She...she was trying to tell me something the other day. But...I was mad at her...and now..."

He sniffed. Misako hugged him too. "Shh. We mustn't be out here. Let's go into hiding and clean Nya's wounds, and I'll help you," she said.

When Lloyd didn't obey, she said, "I'm your mother. Please let me help you. You're my son. I don't want any trouble for you, Lloyd." She whispered.

Lloyd gulped, sniffed and stood up. "Let's go. Nya, sit in the wagon, we can take you easily...Yeah, there ya go, lie down...Good...You'll be okay, don't cry..." He kissed her on the cheek.

Lloyd was so tired and exhausted from all the days events. There was only a few things stopping him from breaking down into sobs and collapsing.

Firstly, he'd never wanted to pretend to be bad in the first place. All the acting and the missions...And then Harumi was gone...Now as they desperately tried to flee, Nya and Skylor were down...

They found an abandoned store. It looked like a café and it had a storage room in the back.

The room had a bedroom and a bathroom and a kitchen as well. There was coffee and sandwich ingredients so they could never be hungry here.

Lloyd found this hideout gloomy, but turning on the lights solved the problem.

They left Skylor in the wagon; She wouldn't be okay unless Garmadon was defeated.

Misako helped Nya get in bed, and while she bandaged and cleaned Nya's arm, Lloyd searched the place for food.

Upon finding three sandwiches, they all ate in silence. Then Misako made Lloyd sleep on another bed, and he curled up in the blankets and fell right to sleep.


"Lloyd! Lloyd, please wake up, fast!"

Lloyd's eyes flung open and he sat up in bed. "Nya? Is everything okay?"

"No. They...they found Harumi's body."

He was up in a second. "Where?" He gasped.

Nya led him across the long hallway and down to a separate room. There lay the familiar white hair and purple clothed girl.

He held back a sob. He had watched her fall, and now to see her in her deathbed, blood, dirt, and glass all over her, was worse.

Lloyd gulped and stepped closer to her.

"She's not dead," Nya whispered. "But she could be. They say she's in a coma."

He couldn't help himself and let out a dry sob. Nya patted his back. "It's gonna be okay. We have to keep fighting no matter what happens." She whispered.

Lloyd gulped and nodded. "I know."

"We're taking refuge in here for now," Nya whispered. "But in at least two days we have to be on the run again. We can't have...emergencies...like this anymore."

Lloyd glanced at her elbow. "Is it...healing?" He asked.

Nya nodded. "I think so. Hey, what's wrong?" She asked, as his face showed evident emotion.

Tears welled up in his eyes. "I feel so guilty for not being with you then. I could have...I..." He looked away guiltily.

"You can't always be there for me, Lloyd," said Nya. "It was a surprise torture attack. Or I could have shredded that psychopath to pieces."

Lloyd sniffed, on the verge of tears. "But I...I could have stayed by your side." He burst into tears. "I hate myself, I'm such an idiot." He cried.

"No you're not!" Nya screamed. "Please, Lloyd, don't cry, it'll be alright."

Lloyd continued to cry. "I couldn't even be there for Harumi and now she..."

Lloyd stopped crying suddenly and walked up to Harumi's body. "Nya. Please go out, I need a minute."

Nya walked out of the room.

Lloyd walked over to Harumi. "Rumi, I'm so sorry. I should have listened to what you had to say," he whispered.

He sat down beside her and wiped his eyes. "That must have really hurt. Inside and out. I'm so sorry for you, Rumi, you don't deserve this."

"If you can hear me," Lloyd continued, "Give me a sign. Anything. A twitch of a finger or a blink. Please."

And with that, he fell asleep, holding Harumi's hand.

Later on, Nya pulled a chair over and held Lloyd's hand and fell asleep.

He woke up in the middle of the night, torn between the two girls he loved the most.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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