No more living life in cages, From my past, it's time to let go

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Skylor and Nya and Misako had gone to the next building. According to the time Garmadon gave them, they had a minute to rush upstairs to his aid.

They rushed to Harumi's room. "If all else goes wrong, we flee, okay?" He said. Harumi nodded, her face full of fear.

She walked around the room and pocketed a picture of her parents, a small diary, and her silver knife.

Lloyd winced, remembering that it was his fault all this was happening.

They rushed back upstairs and Garmadon muttered, "What took you so long, Lloyd?"

"We were looking for Harumi's knife," Lloyd said. "In case they try to attack us."

Lloyd peered onto the other building. To his horror, Skylor was controlling the Colossus and pushing it at their building. She was smiling, but there was a glint in her eye.

Something was wrong. Lloyd creeped to the other side of Garmadon, pretending to be pacing, but he shook his head at Skylor and mouthed for her to stop.

Skylor slightly shook her head and continued to control the Colossus.

Soon after, Garmadon tried to push it back at her. Skylor struggled to remain in control.

She shot the Colossus at Borg Tower and the building shook wildly.

Lloyd pulled his zipline and he and Harumi flew to a nearby building.

Suddenly Harumi's pocket opened, and the picture of her parents fell down the tall staircase.

"The picture!" She gasped. She chased down the stairs after it. Skylor, sticking with the plan, made the Colossus hit the same building, but then...

Skylor's eyes turned purple. Her face looked horrible and ill, and suddenly she fell back into Nya's arms.

Lloyd would be able to get off, but what about Harumi? He was about to go down the stairs after her, but suddenly, the building collapsed.

He pulled his zipline and shot over to Skylor, Nya, and Misako. "Harumi—" he gasped, watching as the building fell down and broke apart. "NOOOOOOO—" He screamed.

It was like watching the world crumble in front of his eyes. He didn't have time to grieve, though, because the Colossus was shooting towards them...

Harumi dashed down several floors, there was one floor left. She heard screams and suddenly the building shook.

She stuffed the picture into her pocket and zipped up the pocket. She looked to the right for the source of the screams.

"Mom, Dad, don't leave me!" A boy was screaming.

"Please take him," the mother said. She pushed her son at the waiting elevator.

"No!" The son sobbed. A tear trickled down Harumi's cheek. She was witnessing an evil child in the making.

The words rang in her head. "We'll see you when we get down..."

She rushed towards the family. They gasped at the sight of her. "Harumi! The evil—no—get away!" The father screamed.

"I'll get you out! I promise!" She said. She led them down a few corridors to the stairwell.

"My parents were lost to me by pushing me in an elevator in a burning building," Harumi said quickly. "I don't want any child to suffer the same."

"We...we thank you, Harumi," the mother said. "You are not as evil as society thinks." The family stepped out.

Harumi let a few tears flow. She was about to step out when the doorway collapsed. "I'll get out! You go!" She said to the family. They hesitantly left.

Harumi looked at the picture of her parents. The wall before her crumbled, she sobbed like a little child. She watched the roof above her fall as she stared into her parents faces, the last thing she would ever see...

"Come on. Flee. Now," said Nya. "We have to go. We're doomed." She didn't know what she was saying.

Skylor wouldn't wake up. Nya pleaded in desperation, but gave up all hope.

Misako and Nya used the zipline to get over to another building.

"Throw Skylor here! Please!" Nya told Lloyd. "NOW! DO IT!"

Lloyd, tearfully, pulled out his zipline and got the two of them safely over. He gulped.

Gayle Gossip's words rang out. "LEAVE THE CITY! ITS NOT SAFE!"

The four of them made their way across town with the zipline and found the Battle Wagon. Skylor was placed in it.

They made their way across the city and ducked behind pillars several times.

They crossed a quiet street and walked forwards, when Nya heard a voice. "I'm gonna go check," she said, stepping forwards.

Ultra Violet dropped the telephone. "YOU! What are you doing here?" She yelled. She lunged forward at the unsuspecting Nya, pushed her to the floor.

Nya screamed. Ultra Violet pulled a knife out of her pocket.

"NO NONO!" Nya screamed. "Stop, please!"

She set the knife aside. Nya took a deep breath, but suddenly a fist was flying through the air; Ultra Violet punched Nya hard on the face.

The pain was instant. Nya yelled again, but she knew Lloyd stood too far away, hidden, to hear her.

She got more punches on her arms and shouted for help. Nya's eyes were bruised, nose bleeding; Ultra Violet had her arms pinned to the ground...

She picked up her knife.

"NO!" Nya screamed, struggling to free herself. Tears streamed down her pretty face.

"No, please, don't hurt me, please..." Nya begged. "No, stop, stop..."

The knife dug into her elbow. Nya screamed in pain. Ultra Violet didn't retreat her knife, but held it there, Nya continued screaming. "No, stop! Please!" She begged.

The blood dripped down across her arm and she cried out.

"LLOYD! HELP! PLEASE!" She screamed desperately. "HELPPPPP!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Lloyd and Misako and Skylor stood behind the faraway pillar for several minutes waiting, when suddenly Nya screamed loud enough for them to hear.

Lloyd darted out and found Ultra Violet torturing Nya with her knife. "NO!" He shouted, and pounced on her quickly.

He grabbed the knife out of her hands and threw it down the sewers. "Nya, GO!" He shouted. Nya got up, painful and tearful, dashed off to Misako and Skylor...

Lloyd and Ultra Violet had an epic fistfight until Lloyd punched her face hard, leaving a gashing red bruise and knocking her out.

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