I'm cleaning out my skeletons in the closet, I was scared now I'm honest

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The plan would be going to action today. But what Lloyd had forgotten was that Nya was supposed to be in prison.

A note came through Nya's zipline that day. Plan starting. Please hide Harumi.

Lloyd sent the note back and rushed to Harumi's room. "The plan. It's now. Get to my room and hide under my bed." He said nervously to her.

Harumi casually shut her door. She walked over to Lloyd's room and crawled under the bed and hid.

Lloyd was nervous. His brain was sending in neurons and he was panicking.

The zipline came flying to his window. Skylor along with Mystake's rat form, were there. He flung his window open.

Skylor motioned for everyone to shush and Harumi gave a thumb up from under the bed.

Mystake transformed into Harumi and Skylor flew back out with the info that Nya and her would be making their way to the back side of the tower. Lloyd nodded and gulped as she left. He shut his window again.

Skylor and Nya snuck to the backside of Borg Tower and hid behind a wall Garmadon could not see.

Nya took something out of her pocket. She threw a bunch of tea leaves from Mystake's shop and threw them around the area behind Garmadon.

A sort of barrier was built between all edges of Borg Tower. Instantly everything in the barrier turned black.

Garmadon let out a shout of confusion. Mystake came running upstairs in Harumi's form.

"Emperor, what's going on?" She asked. She kept her body language neutral but confused.

"It's become dark. I cannot see what's below me or around me." Garmadon replied.

"It might be nightfall," said Mystake, inching her way closer to Garmadon.

Skylor tied a rope around her arm. Nya tied herself to it as well. She used her zipline to latch it onto a nearby building.

Mystake saw Skylor's cue and Skylor began to drift closer to Garmadon.

"Your Emperor, I was wondering..." Mystake paced a little closer. "Is—"

"Wait! Stop," said Garmadon. He suddenly turned around to find Skylor behind him and Nya not far by. He couldn't see the rope, however.

"What are they doing out of prison?" Garmadon asked. "Is she the power sucking one? Is that what she's trying to do?"

Suddenly Lloyd and Harumi burst in on their cue.

"Emperor!" Said Harumi. "That's an Oni! She's pretending to be me! She's helped them escape from prison."

"Why haven't you tried to stop them?" Garmadon asked.

Skylor slid a rope to her discreetly. Harumi picked it up. "They trapped us. We escaped and ran here."

Harumi and Skylor looked in the eye and Skylor dashed forward and touched Garmadon's arm, sucking his power.

"STOP!" Garmadon yelled. "DONT LET THEM GET AWAY!" He said to Lloyd and Harumi.

Nya and Skylor dashed forwards, Mystake's tea wore off and it became bright again. Skylor led Nya away from the fake chasing Lloyd and Harumi, and they flew onto the other building.

Lloyd looked Mystake, who transformed back to herself, in the eye and with her approval, he and Harumi lunged at her.

But then Garmadon held up his hand and they stopped.

Garmadon walked up to Mystake. Harumi gulped and caught Lloyd's eye. It's all my fault this is happening, she mouthed to Lloyd.

Lloyd knew what would happen, and he had to stop it, but to do that would be really off of the plan to destroy his father...

Mystake, before their eyes, screamed and the next second she was crushed to pieces like Mr. E. Lloyd held back his feelings and copied Harumi, who was faking a smile.

"They have taken my power," said Garmadon. "We must stop them. Secure your rooms and get back up—Lloyd, you have brought me a dead body, why are you scared of her death?"

Lloyd fixed his expression. "I'm only thinking of how disgusting of a woman she was." He said strongly.

Garmadon smiled. "My trust for you has only increased more often. Now go."

Lloyd and Harumi rushed to Lloyd's room.

"This is it. I can't do this anymore," he said. "I'm leaving." He let out a dry sob.

"Lloyd..." Harumi patted him on the back. "I know how much you cared for her. And she died knowing that. She was bound to die someday, like your grandfather was. It'll be okay. You can't quit. If you quit, this city is gone."

Lloyd gulped and brought himself together. "I know. Fine. But I want my friends to get out of here, I want them safe."

"Shh. First we have to secure our rooms and help them control the colossus secretly. Come on." Harumi whispered.

"In case anything happens," said Lloyd. He stuffed the zipline into his pocket and he also stuffed in some clothes and notes from Nya, and locked up his room.

This was going to be very difficult.

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