Tryna Find Stimulation, Be The Light In The Dark That Grows

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Lloyd took his zipline out of his pocket. He had one shot of this. He was full of nerve, people began looking at him curiously, and so he shot his zipline up, up, up...

He had known it would reach pretty high. He was flung onto the fiftieth floor's window, his hood flew off himself and he screamed in worry.

He latched his zipline again. He was hanging in to the window's frame desperately, before he was flung into the roof.

He threw his hood on himself the second he hit the hard cement roof. He stuffed his zipline into his pocket and zipped it up before rushing forwards. Harumi and Garmadon were staring at him.

Panic flooded through his insides...

"Hey!" Harumi shouted. "Who are you?"

Lloyd flung off his hood suddenly. His face formed into a very aggressive one. He'd learnt many acting skills from Harumi without knowing.

"Lloyd?!" Harumi gasped. "Emperor, your son—"

"I'm here for a different reason!" Lloyd shouted.

Harumi looked at him. "Why are you being so aggressive?"

"I j—I want to join your side, father." He stared into Garmadon's eyes.

Garmadon looked both shocked and impressed. "Then, you will prove to us that you are evil."

"How, father?"

"Take this knife," he said, handing the silver blade of Harumi's to Lloyd, "And bring me back a fresh dead body by dusk."

Lloyd felt horrified, but he kept his face steady. He looked into Harumi's eyes before shoving the knife carefully in his pocket and grabbing his zipline to get down again.

He shoved his hood back on and rushed into a deep dark alley, which was not visible to Harumi or his father.

He felt like puking. He began to cry into his arms. He'd have to kill someone the first time in his life...

Suddenly Nya's words flew into his head.

Please don't hurt anyone, fake it if you have to.

Lloyd sighed in relief. It was against everything in his life to kill or harm any innocent person. He would rather die than kill.

He stood up, determined. He walked far across the city that day, taking rest breaks after random sprints.

By afternoon, he was sweating and shaking. He'd found the cemetery at last. He approached some grave diggers.

"Excuse me?" He asked. "Why are you digging?"

"That body in the box," said a grave digger, pointing towards a coffin behind them.

Lloyd ducked behind a bush and scooted over to the coffin.

The unnoticed grave diggers could not see him, he slid the coffin open.

He saw the sight of a dead body. He shut the coffin immediately and walked over to the grave diggers.

"When did this body die?"

"Two hours ago," spat one of them.

A fresh one.

Lloyd rushed back to the coffin. He had to smuggle it back.

He held tightly onto the lid of the now locked coffin and pulled out his zipline.

He was thrown across the fields and he landed quite far off on the sidewalk of a cement road.

He was crying. He was too exhausted to continue, but he knew he needed to regain their trust, and he shot his zipline out again.

He flew off again. He found himself in the middle of the city.

He noticed there were a bunch of dark alleyways, and flung the zipline again, so that he landed smack in the alleys.

The smooth outline of Borg Tower stood beside the alley.

He removed the body from the coffin, took the knife and scraped it against a blotch of red wall paint. He dropped it all over the body and then capped the knife and shoved it into his pocket.

He opened the sewers and threw the empty coffin inside. Then he shot his zipline up to Borg Tower.

He wiped his sweat and removed his hood. He put the body at his father's feet and looked up at him.

"Very well," said Garmadon. "Harumi will escort you to your room."

Lloyd gulped but kept a straight face. All he wanted was to sleep. He already missed the comfort of Nya and Skylor and his family, and especially his long gone brothers.

He and Harumi walked in silence. Lloyd's room was one floor below, with no lock but a nice luxurious bed and a shower and clothes.

"This is your sanctuary," said Harumi. She smiled a bit. "I trust you," she whispered. "Don't betray my trust."

"Acting as if you never did that before," Lloyd said darkly. "My friends are gone because of you and I have lost my other ones too. I have no choice but to be part of the heist." He spoke very softly.

Harumi smirked evilly. "Just don't betray it," she whispered. "Or you'll have it in for you with the punishments." Lloyd though he heard a crack in her voice. The next second she left him all alone with the comfort of a luxurious room.

He didn't bother to shower or change, instead collapsing onto the soft bed and falling asleep almost right away.

This was going to be a long next few months.

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