Tell me it's a Simulation, I'll Go Wherever You Go

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Suddenly a noise was heard. "They have gotta be here somewhere!" it sounded like Ultraviolet. "Can't hide from me!" she let out a banshee yell.

"Oh no," whispered Misako. "I'll go check." she opened the door a crack. She rushed back. "The Sons Of Garmadon! They're sweeping the whole block! We need to leave. Or hide. NOW."

"What? But where?" Lloyd gasped.

"I smell him," said Ultraviolet creepily. "Can't hide from me forever, greenbean."

"Run! Let's hide here!" Nya yelled. She pointed behind a bunch of trash bags.

"No, I have a better plan," said Lloyd. He rushed to the door and they all crept out. Lloyd dove into a pile of debris and found a trash bag to hide under. They covered their heads and watched.

Lloyd found a photograph of him and the rest of the ninja. "This is where the Bounty was destroyed." He whispered. His voice was shaky.


Lloyd stuffed the photograph into his pocket and sighed. He saw the coast was clear and they stood up. Big mistake.

The Sons Of Garmadon found them. "NO!" Nya screamed. Lloyd looked panic stricken. But suddenly there was a flash of red hair and fire and a shriek was heard; The next second Skylor was calling out to them. "In my van! Now!"

They rushed into the van. Skylor lost the Sons Of Garmadon and found Dareth's secret lair. Dareth was nowhere to be found. Skylor locked the door and they settled down.

"How did you find us?!" Lloyd yelled at once.

"A wise person told me," said Skylor. Then an old lady appeared behind Skylor. "I am Mystake," she said. "Hello there Misako, and Lloyd. And Nya, the water ninja." She nodded to everyone.

"Mystake," breathed Misako. "Mother-in-law. What are you doing here?"

"I have been in Ninjago all my life," said Mystake. "I evacuated to another realm when the Sons Of Garmadon came. I got a sign and now I am back."

"Wait," said Lloyd, and he blushed because everyone was looking at him. "Mystake? You're my grandmother? The wife of the FSM?"

Mystake nodded. "But don't think of me like that. Think of me as a friend."

"You called for us, Emperor?" Harumi asked.

"Who failed to capture my son?" Garmadon asked harshly.

"Emperor! Mr. E did everything he could!" Harumi gasped.

Garmadon picked him up. Harumi's face was full of horror as she watched Mr. E, her own creation, crumble to pieces.

"Have this tea." Mystake slid it across the table. "What's this one?" Lloyd asked.

"Clears the mind," said Mystake. Lloyd frowned.

"I don't need a clear mind! I need to find a way to resurrect my friends, like how Harumi resurrected my father!"

"Endure." said Mystake. "To endure is how you'll save your friends."

Lloyd cleared his throat. "How do I lead the resistance?" He whispered, so that only Mystake could hear.

"The citizens of Ninjago think you're gone," said Mystake. "You need to find your voice."

"Nya," said Lloyd suddenly. "I've got an idea."

"What is it?" Nya asked.

"I can pretend to turn, um, evil? And I can be a part of Harumi's forces. And then they'll trust me and I can defeat my father! It's got to be the way!" Lloyd said.

"Are you mad?!" Skylor shouted suddenly.

"Yes, I'm very mad at my father," said Lloyd. "Please let me try. I know Harumi likes me, but we're not on the same side, so she'll trust me..."

"Fine," said Nya. "But don't hurt anyone, please fake it, okay? And if they hurt you, come back, alright? Don't die, Lloyd."

Lloyd felt tears forming in his eyes. "I guess this might be goodbye." He whispered. He really wanted to do something to mark his leave, but he was scared how anyone would react.

Instead he ignored his insecurities. He walked up to Nya, who was sobbing, stood on his tiptoes, gripped Nya's shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.

Nya let out an audible gasp. Skylor, Misako and Mystake gasped as well.

Lloyd couldn't control his emotions anymore, he hugged Nya and cried.

After five minutes of crying, he wiped his eyes and ran off without a word.

Desperation to defeat his father was taking over him. He had to turn to the evil side. He thought of himself as a mix of Draco and Snape in that moment.

He shoved his hood over his head to cover up his shiny blond hair and to keep anyone from finding him first.

He couldn't deny that he was in love with Harumi, he had trusted her so much, but she had been acting and manipulating him, she felt more evil to him than his father.

Nya was right; Harumi had played with his heart and crushed it.

And then, in a flash, he saw Borg Tower. Garmadon's base.

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