Chase's Nightmares 2

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Then Chase finally caught up to Skye and then He attacked Her by jumping onto Her back and breaking it permanently and with one final move.

Chase then bitted right into Skye's neck and then He tore Her throat completely out.

And then He spat out the remains of it as it hitted the ground hard.

Then suddenly Chase woke up from His dream.

He couldn't believe that He could never harm Skye let atone kill Her.

Chase still felt the flesh from the cockapoo with His teeth and the feeling from the moment He scratched 💔 His love.

He felt traumatised by this nightmare He's been having and especially the ones in Adventure City where He didn't save Ryder but He did save Him because He knew that because He was there.

But that feeling was still inside His mind firmly locked inside it.

It was still late in the night and just like every night He couldn't get back to sleep and this was getting worser and it's starting to worry Him.

That He might truly kill for real.

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