Chase's Confession

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Chase knew that Skye would ask this question and since He can't lie to Her.

He had to tell Skye the truth about what's been bothering Him ever since the events in Adventure City and their return to Adventure Bay.

Chase couldn't even look at Skye in Her eyes especially what He is about to way to Her.

Would Skye understand this or what would She say to Him about His nightmares after He let it all out to Her.

Skye noticed that look in Chase's eyes and She knew that look because She remembered it back in Adventure City.

What She saw was fear in Him and then She asked Chase:

"Chase its just you and Me here and from the looks of the beach ⛱️ its deserted.

So please Chase tell Me, what's wrong?."

Chase then slowly sighed first before saying anything, but then the moment He saw Skye sitting down next to Him.

And Chase first stood up and then He immediately turned around a 360 slowly and carefully, once He knew that it was just the two of them alone at the beach together.

Chase then sat back down with Skye despite looking nervous about what He's going to tell Her.

Then Chase finally spoke to Skye saying to Her:

"Skye I um... don't know how to explain this to you but...

I've been having nightmares every night for a entire month and... I don't want to scare you."

Skye looked at Chase and She saw Him laying into the sand and curled up into a ball, looking traumatised about what He was about to say next to Her."

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