Chase Awake

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Chase finally woke up and from the looks of the sun risen already and He knew that He overslept.

Chase then ran straight towards the Lookout and went inside the building.

When He arrived at the top floor, Chase said to Ryder:

"Ready... for... action... Ryder... sir".

(He sounded out of breath)

But He was curious about why Skye and Ryder are here and no one else, so He asked Him:

"Ryder what's going on today and why did no one woke Me up?".

Then Skye spoke to Him and said:

"Chase, you were so tired and I woke up everyone today, but its really nice to see that you are ready but as for action, Me and Ryder had come up with a plan."

Chase looked at Ryder and He replied:

"The plan is for you to go out with Skye and enjoy yourself because, what I heard from Her about you made Me realise that you've been working to much here.

But I can't have you on the team if you're tired.

So Skye think you can have Chase with you and maybe enjoy your time together.

But Chase if I hear from Skye that you haven't been relaxing but working instead.

I'm sorry to tell you but I would have no choice but to suspend you for a week and since your the leader, I'd take over your job for that week if you don't relax Chase.

If there are missions today, I ain't calling you or Skye but you will have both of your communications on at all times, that goes for you Skye.

But its only I can hear to what Chase is saying but not you and I already know that the pair of you have admitted your feelings to each other.

Your allowed to play with each other but you Skye are a bit young to be having children yet.

Do I make Myself clear."

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