Chase's Confession 2

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Chase couldn't even look at Skye in Her eyes anymore because He loved Her and ever since He found out about what happened to Her parents who were killed by a Eagle years ago.

(Reference to The Origen Of Skye and its 2 Sequels).

Skye may of admitted Her feeling to Him before the events when they went to Adventure City.

(Reference to Within Skye's Dream).

She had to know what Chase's nightmares were about.

So Skye asked Chase:

"Chase what are your nightmares about exactly?."

Chase then knew that now it's time for Him to finally confess the truth about His nightmares.

So Chase pulled Himself together and then He slowly uncurled Himself and then He slowly turned His head back up and stated up next to Skye and He finally said:

"Skye... My nightmares are about two events and the first one is about Ryder and might find it difficult to believe but...

In this nightmare about Ryder... I never saved Him...

I know I did in reality but it felt so real that I left Him alone to die because I was afraid to jump and when I did do it.

I literally died SKYE 😭."

Skye saw this with Her own eyes and they widened enough due to the shock of what happened in the first nightmare."

Skye could tell that Chase was definitely crying 😢 😭 because what He said to Her.

And since their puptags were still on, Ryder heard everything that Chase had said.

Ryder couldn't believe it what Chase has said about His first nightmare was about Him and tried that jump and Chase missed and then fell towards His own death.

Skye tried to keep Herself calm about this because She knew that dreaming about something like that seems to realistic especially if it was Herself in Chase's position.

Skye then walked towards Chase closer to Him and then She asked:

"Chase what happened in the second dream?."

Chase then slowly looked at Skye and said to Her:

"Skye... the second one is more like a horror story...

Skye in the nightmare I... literally killed you in the most sickest way possible.

I... still tastes the flesh when I bitten your neck and ripped out your throat Skye and before that I scratched you with My claws.

But what made things worse is that nobody didn't stop Me Skye.

I haven't been the same ever since I left Adventure City...

I know that Ryder brought Me back to the same place, He saved Me from... but 😭 the truth is...

I'm not as brave that you think I am and I even doubt Myself every single day.

Skye I don't want to hurt you 💔 but I... 😭."

Skye couldn't believe what She was hearing about Him having the urge to kill anyone especially Her.

But whatever is truly causing this had something else to Him.

But what in the world could that be?.

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