Sleeping Together

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When Skye and Chase returned back to the Lookout, it was nearly time to go to bed.

Once the moon reached the sky, Chase was about to ask Skye something really important.

When She was about to open up Her puphouse door and then go inside it.

Chase then walked towards Her and then He asked:

"Skye do you mind if I sleep with you tonight, just so you can wake Me up if I have another nightmare."

Skye then looked at Chase and She agreed to but Her puphouse wasn't big enough for the pair of them.

But Skye politely said to Chase:

"Chase since My puphouse is to small for us to sleep in together, maybe it's best if I sleep with you instead."

So both Chase and Skye looked at each other and then they both went straight towards Chase's puphouse.

Once they both arrived at the puphouse door Chase then opened it up and then He immediately tossed out His puppack.

Skye saw it coming and She then did Her back flip and once She landed onto the ground.

Skye and Chase then looked around first and no one was watching them.

Since the coast is clear, Chase and Skye then walked inside the puphouse and then they both layed down next to each other and finally...

Skye and Chase finally feel to sleep together.

The End.

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