Chase's Nightmares

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By the time it was time for the pups to go to bed, Skye watched Chase go to His puphouse and then She looked carefully at Him to His reactions.

He wasn't paying any attention once He banged into the door of His puphouse and then He slowly opened the door up.

And Skye couldn't take this anymore, so She decided to walk up to Him to find out what's bothering Him.

Skye was walking alone and everyone was already fast asleep.

But as for Chase... He looked around before He sat down and said to Himself as She heard Him:

"I'm not going back to Adventure City... its over... DO YOU HEAR IT'S OVER!"

Chase continued to rant and rave about the City and the moment Chase saw Skye...

He just layed down on His bed and then tried to get to sleep.

Skye wasn't falling for this time because its time to bring this completely to end once and for all.

She then went straight towards Him and the moment He saw Skye standing right in front of Himself.

Face to face Chase and Skye looked at each other with Her eyes firmly locked into His.

Then Chase sat up and said to Her:

"Skye what do you want?".

Skye looked at Him and She could tell by the tone of His voice sounded like, He didn't want to See Her at all.

But She ignored this and said to Him directly:

"Chase what is the matter with you... your constantly overworking and doing a lot of patrolling ever since we've got back from Adventure City and...".

Chase then finally snapped and shouted at Her:


Skye didn't want to move at all and Chase saw this then suddenly He scratched Her face hard enough to make it bleed.

Then Skye ran away from Him to go and fetch Ryder but Chase knew what She was about to do.

So He chased completely after Her and this time He ain't stopping this time.

Within Chase's NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now