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kayla ; 6pm ; 390 words

I woke up from my tiring nap to my phone alerting me to start getting ready for my date with Jack. Throughout the week at school I found myself telling him that I'm willing to let him help me move on, with him agreeing happily.

I rushed over to my bathroom, taking a quick shower and washing my hair. I stepped out of the shower applied lotion,deodorant, and perfume before speed walking over to my closet.

I had no clue what I was going to wear until my eyes spotted my black cami, burgundy leather jacket, grey high-waisted skinny jeans, and some black strap-on heels.

I completed my makeup and straighten my hair. Before grabbing my phone,wallet, other essentials, stashing them in my black gold chain waist length purse and leaving to go downstairs.

I heard a few honks from outside, so I hurried out the door speeding towards Jack's black Range Rover.

"Hey Kayla" he said smiling while looking over

"Hey G"

"So we are going to an Italian restaurant, if you don't mind" he said glancing over to see me nodding my head in approval


Jack and I had just finished our meals, now he had taken me down the street to the park. We were walking around and talking until Jack brought up a conversation that really caught my attention.

"How would you describe your relationship with Cody in two words?"

"Careless & untrustworthy"

"Why those words?"

"Um can we talk about something else?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry for asking you babe" he said placing his hand on my waist as we walked backed to the car

Along the way home we talked about our common interests and what not. We eventually pulled up to my house.

He walked me up my front door, placing his hands on my hips as I stood in front of him.

"Thank you for this..."

"date" he finished

"yeah, date" I said slightly giggling

"I had fun, maybe we can do this again sometime?"

"I'll think about it, G"

"Well I hope you think about it, see you later baby girl" he said kissing my forehead before walking away to his car.


I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face.
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