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jack ; saturday ; 464 words

I'm forever questioning why Madison came back into town other than wanting to renew our relationship, which will not happen.

I dismissed my thoughts by grabbing my phone looking at the time that read 5:33pm and my car keys making my way out the house on my way towards Kayla's.

I finally made it to her house walking up to her front door knocking a few times before waiting for someone to answer.

A few seconds later someone answered the door, a little boy.

"Who are you" he said

"Uh, I'm Jack. Is Kayla here?"

"KAYLA" he yelled out

Obviously catching Kayla's attention as she ran down the steps.

"Sorry about my little brother, Anthony " she said while looking at me and pushing him smoothly to the side.

"Let's go" she said closing her door and pulling my hand to the car


kayla ; carnival

Jack surprised me by taking me to the carnival, cliché I know. After walking around and riding rides I spotted an ice cream stand.

"Jack, I'm gonna go buy some ice cream. I'll be right back" I said while pointing towards the direction of the stand.

"Wait no. I'll buy it for you" he replied while grabbing my hand pulling me over there.

Jack purchased me a triple scoop with sprinkles on a cone, which just so happened to be exactly what I wanted.

"How did you know I wanted this?" I said while eating my ice cream

"I do my research" he said in sarcastic tone


"Wait stay right there" Jack said while rushing in front of me, pulling out his phone, and taking a pic of me

He walked back over to me while looking down on his phone typing away as my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I pulled out my phone to see

jackgilinsky tagged you in a photo : bbg💖

I blushed a little and looked up to see Jack smiling at me

He grabbed my hand gently and pulled me through the crowd of people until we were at the boardwalk where it was less noisy.

He still held unto my hand as he stepped in front of me staring at me slowly leaning in.

Our lips met each other softly until we both pulled away after a few seconds.

"Kayla, I know we haven't known each other for years or months but I really you to you be mine, my girlfriend but I'm going to wait as long as you want due to your past with Cody" he said kissing my forehead gently

I was lost for words
*sorry 4 slow updates! TY for 1k+ reads <3 & I have 2 fanfics (wilk & mendes) that are ready to be posted, which 1 first?
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