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jack ; 413 words

My date with Kayla went well other than the fact of receiving a text during our date that read...

madison: im back bb

I ignored the text for the rest of the day now here I am the day after reading the rest of the texts she, my crazy desperate ex-girlfriend Madison Elle Beer (*its a fanfic, chill) has sent to my phone.

madison: ive moved back in town so we can get back together <3

madison: c u soon jack;)


jack ; school ; kayla's outfit is @ the top

I was walking down the hall when I saw Kayla at her locker alone getting her books I'm assuming for her next period.

I walked behind her covering her eyes with the palm of my hands

"Guess who"

"Channing Tatum" she said in a questioning voice

"Sorry to break it to you but it's just Jack" I said uncovering her eyes

"Oh, hey G" she said gathering her stuff

"Why do you always call me G?" I said laughing

"I don't k-" she began to say but was cut off

"Hey baby I missed you" Madison said clinging onto my arm reaching for my face to give me a kiss

Kayla rolled her eyes slightly before slamming her locker shut and walking away.

"Madison stop" I said shoving her slightly and walking away towards the direction Kayla was

"Why? Don't you miss this" she said biting her lip while catching up with me

"I broke up with you two months ago, move on"

"But you said you loved me"

"Crazy how two people fall in love with each other, just to turn around and hurt one another" I said referring to the amount of times she has hurt me

She stood there taken back by my words before turning around and stomping away.


I'm now home laying down staring at my phone waiting for Kayla to reply from my phone call, but instead she texted me.

kay💖: what do u want?
J: i wanted to apologize for what u saw earlier
kay💖: it's whatever u r obviously in a relationship so idk why u r trying to help me move on
J: no I'm not, that's my crazy ex. im single haha
kay💖: k

I assuming she's mad at me by the typical k message so I'll just talk to her about it tomorrow face-to-face.
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