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kayla ; 3:00 pm, 000 words

School just ended for the day as I walked towards my locker I spotted the last person I wanted to see right now, Jack. I have ignored him every sense last night now I'm assuming he's going to try his hardest to perhaps, apologize.

I walked up to my locker facing him.

"Excuse me" I said politely as he moved to the side off of my locker

"Kay" he started

"Kayla" I corrected him

"Can we talk?"

"About what" I questioned half knowing and not knowing what he was talking about

"You know, about yesterday" he said a little quietly so the people next to us wouldn't hear

I thought for a moment before agreeing, immediately regretting it before he invited me into his car as we made our way to his house.


@ jack's house ;

Jack and I were in the kitchen as he started making his usual after school snack as he called it.

I sat on the counter top beside the cabinets and the fridge setting my school bag beside me.

"So" I started

"Oh yeah" he said

"I'm truly sorry for what happened yesterday, I had no clue why Madison came back to town or even had the thought of us dating again. She cheated on me...with my friends. Three of them actually, I was heart broken. I was hurt and confused because the day before, she announced that she loved me. I confronted her about it and she left town ashamed that I found out. " he said nearly in tears

"I'm sorry -"

"No, no. It's okay, you didn't know" he said

I feel kinda bad now so I hopped off the counter walked to him bringing him in for a hug with my head on his chest and my hands wrapped around his torso, apologizing repeatedly as he rubbed my back assuring me that it's not my fault.

6:30 pm ;

Jack is currently driving me back home, after talking at his house we just watched some movies and cuddled I guess you can say, cliché.

He pulled his Range Rover into the driveway walking me towards my front door.

"Be ready my 6pm tomorrow I'm taking you somewhere, dress casual. Goodnight baby girl" he said kissing my forehead before squeezing my hand gently and walking back to his car driving away as I walked into my house.

*Makeup chapter for yesterday! School started today :/ & TY for almost 1K reads!
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