(III) - Arrangement

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(Part III.)

A month has passed since the battle of Pantora. More missions have been fulfilled and more training has been completed by the Jedi. Now, the padawan arranges for a very special meeting at a very special place--and with a very special someone.

A smirk formed at the corner of Rex's mouth. "Your move," he said, placing a playing card down on the glass table which sat between the two of you.

"Oh-ho, I don't think so," you replied. Flicking through your deck, you set down a card to top his. In the background of the soldiers' barracks in which you both sat, Fives, Tup and Echo were mending their armour. A clank! and an 'OW' came from one of them, followed by some cursing.

"Is that- are they okay?" you asked, genuinely concerned.

Dark eyes gleamed back at you and Rex gave a challenging tilt to his head. He smiled faintly as he placed another card. "Ah- Hahah, don't mind 'em. My brothers are always like this," he chuckled, and raised his voice for the last part, "especially Fives!"

"Awh, shut up!" Fives shot back. He ruffled his hair in an experimental new style and turned to Rex for approval. "Does this look okay?"

Rex placed another card. "D'you want the good answer or the honest answer?"

Fives raised his eyebrows. "Oh, dear me, please do be honest," he said in mock-snideness.

You placed a card, and Rex said, "It looks terrible."

"No it doesn't, you're just saying that to make me doubt my charm!"

"It looks like a bantha," you said. Another card added to the pile.

Fives gasped in offense, the haughty sort of gasp characteristic of Senators or bureaucrats confronted with something ghastly. He put a hurt hand on his chest and shut his eyes woundedly. "YOU look like a bantha." He sniffed.

Rex rose a little and set back down in his seat, like he was about to get up. "Hey, watch your tone with- with, uh, our Generals."

You hid your snicker at Fives' comment behind a hand. "Oh, don't take it so seriously, Captain; he was just joshin' around."

Fives added in a saucy tone, "Yeaahh, what Y/N said! I was just joshing around. And besides," he continued as he smoothed his hair back down, "Y/N isn't technically a Jedi Master, so they're not a general, so, like. Pfsshhhht," he motioned casually with an eyeroll.

Rex snorted and looked back to the card deck, placing his own. "You'd insult anyone, higher rank or not. You're too ballsy for yer own good, Fives."

"Ballsy?? It's for the ladies' good, Captain!" Fives snickered, and made finger guns at Rex.

"I cannot believe you sometimes, vod," Rex sighed, pinching his nose bridge.

You shuffled your own cards and turned to Fives. "Oh, please. Cut the act. Whenever I see you near a girl you like, you're too flustered to even talk."

Rex's eyes widened and he leaned in curiously. "Oh, really? Tell me more, I'm interested now."

"Wha- HEY!" Fives yelled indignantly. "I do not blush! I'm way too smooth for that!"

You huffed a little laugh through your nose. "He blushes to the moons and back, Rex; it's so strange to see him quiet for once."

At this, the edges of Rex's face crinkled in a warm, hearty laugh and he leaned back in his chair. It felt nice like this; seeing him carefree and happy. An escape from the constant loss of war weighing down on him, even if temporary, was welcome. You thought the way that the candlelight hit his sharp, laughing features was pretty nice.

"That's hilarious," Rex finished. "Fives the flushed loverboy."

"It is not!" Fives bit out, and Echo stifled a snigger in the background.

You leaned back in your seat and took the deck, reshuffling all the cards. Surprise crossed Rex's previously nonchalant face, and you smiled faintly.

"I win."

A brief pause as he processed this, and scratched the back of his neck in what might have been embarrassment. "Yeah. I guess you do..."

"You're so surprised that I won, I'm almost offended," you joked, and Echo crossed his arms in the background.

"No, it's not like that! I just got distracted, ahah," Rex added. "Come on, let's do another game."

As you set the cards out on the table, a few of the others had joined you. A bright thought crossed your mind like a shaft of light in an attic. Your gaze traced the outline of the Ace card as you spoke: "Have any of you boys ever been to an orchestra?"

* * *

We agreed for the date to be set on tomorrow evening.
What was the worst that could happen?

140 reads? Woah, that's amazing! I didn't even think I'd get to 50 in such a short time but here we are. Thanks so much to all of you for staying with me; even though this fanfic is far from over, and this is just the beginning :)) thanks, have a great day !!

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