Breakfast and Bonding

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"You did what to him that night?!" Ivy slammed down her orange juice cup, eyes wide. She had gotten

"Carved a loa into his chest. Dat way he's a part of—" Serafine began, when Mordecai cut in,

"—your ridiculous cult."

"No, de family." Nico corrected, laughing slightly. Mordecai rolled his eyes, pushing away the waffle plate from himself and now towards Rocky. Serafine ended up sliding it over towards her, and the two stared at her with wide eyes.

"What? You two weren't gon' eat dis waffle, so I will." Serafine made a face, raising a brow.

"Well...that solves the issue." Mordecai pushed his pince–nez up, shoulders noticeably dropping. He took a drink from his tea. "...this better not include any of your...Lovecraftian flavors, or add–ons, Roark."

"From my space–I mean, my normal coffee? Nothing is in your tea." Rocky tilted his head. "But you certainly wouldn't have minded another drink, right, friend? Imbibe..."

"This is the exact reason why I refuse to allow him around my drinks." Mordecai covered the top of his cup instinctively. There was a small chorus of laughter from the group, and Rocky gave him a grin: it wasn't maniacal or psychotic. It was downright sweet, content, and almost relaxed. Mordecai, in return, had a close lipped grin and dulled eyes. His ears perked upwards, but the sensation didn't last long once he felt Nico nudge his arm gently. He watched Rocky turn back to Ivy and Freckle, enjoying their own conversations in the meantime.

"He's a real close friend o' yours, right Peekon?" Nico whispered to Mordecai.

"I would rather call him an acquaintance." Mordecai sipped his tea again.

"Mhh, doubt it." Nico remarked quietly.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothin', Peekon."

Mordecai raised a brow at that remark, but decided not to comment on it. It wasn't important to him right now. "I'm surprised that you of all people enjoy waffles, Serafine."

"What can I say, dey cook dem good here!" Serafine twirled her knife with a bit of waffle poked onto it. "And you weren' gon' eat dem, so I did. Dese are jus' better dan de pancakes."

"Blasphemy!" Rocky gasped. "Where's the fun in waffles? No funny faces to be carved into and to be stuck on your face!"

"Rocky, seriously?" Ivy facepalmed. Serafine grimaced, her upper lip curling a bit.

"...people do dat?"

"Not people: Rocky only . He has an addiction to pancakes." Freckle gave a small smile, reminiscing. "Mom would switch right back to oatmeal after finding him digging in the damn backyard. Without his clothes ."

Mordecai sputtered, choking on his tea, turning away to cough into his elbow. Serafine threw her head back and cackled, and Nico held his sides, giving a deep belly laugh.

" unconventional for you, Roark." Mordecai cleared his throat, calming himself after coughing and briefly choking on his beverage.

"Nah: I don't tink so." Serafine sighed, wiping at her eyes. She smiled. "If anyting, it sounds jus' like 'im."

"That's not a surprise." Ivy gently punched Rocky's shoulder. She then put down her drink. "Well, since we're done with breakfast, should we just pay now?"

"I suppose so." Mordecai replied with a small sigh. His ears flicked up and tilted outward, hearing something. He reached into his vest for his gun, retrieving it from the holster. "When I say take cover, I mean it." He whispered. Nico turned towards a small ringing bell at the front doors of the diner, and noticed six figures. A Sphinx, Maine Coon, two Savannah cats, a—very pregnant—Bombay, and a Chartreux: Mandisa Sephtis, James Monroe, Silas and Raquelle Tueuse, Celeste Leggera–Smitt, and Lacrimosa Ambrose. Mordecai glared at James, but then only sighed again, tucking his revolver back into its holster. He eased slightly at Lacrimosa's presence, despite not having a good start with James...especially when he gave him the divot in his ear.

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