Sin 2 - DKBK

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This is a continuation of one of my oneshots labeled "Sin" from my cookie crumbs book. For context, look there!

Katsuki is convinced Izuku's been a thorn in his side all their lives, but he can't deny theres always been a... feeling for him. A feeling he knew he shouldn't have. The same feelings that bubbled up and brewed over when they were together. 

But they refused to call this love. 

Additional notes 

- I go back to my half finished, teasing roots 


They went school together for years, Katsuki lashing out against Izuku when he'd felt his own atrocious affection brewing within. It gave him the thought that perhaps he was fighting back against it. Whatever it was. Though he never truly was, fighting against it that is. Their mothers took them to mass every Sunday and they'd be forced together once more during the weekend, never far apart for too long no matter how hard they tried. Never apart long enough for it to really stick.

You could say that he fell first, though he never realized and ended up falling harder than ever before. Izuku was the tastiest of temptations.

As he berated and pushed him away, he still found himself craving and looking for those sparkling green eyes on him. As if those eyes held him so fiercely inside of his gaze that it gave him some sort of ethereal strength.

They'd collided into each other by chance in high school, finding more in common with each other as they matured and grew older. From boys to men. But with this came conversations of dating and attraction. Of lust.

The rumors circulated that Ochako had been doing Izuku beneath the bleachers filtering through the slabs as they began putting away their things in dormitories for college. It was a pretentious university but the rumours still circulated like that of a sitcom, like desperate housewives sitting around and spinning a tale on their webs for some sort of fun to act as their nutrition. That had triggered an explosive backlash from somewhere deep inside Katsuki and at the time he'd felt his stomach churn.

Izuku. With that harlet. Don't be ridiculous.

Oh, the irony of having laughed at that when he'd become a jezebel for the same man.

"Forgive me father, for I have sinned."

"Deku, hand me that." Katsuki murmured as he looked over the altar, wiping down the surface as he set up the table cloth right over. The church was quiet, echoing stagnant voices from far away in the hall. The pews creaked as Izuku moved between them, pigeons cooing close by in the tower high above as they joined the low buzz of noise and the shuffle of his shoes as he passed.

"Here." Izuku murmured, passing the golden holders for the candlesticks. The stained glass cascaded over his curls and doused the lighter ends in highlights of yellow and pink, blending into the green deeply. They'd been putting away and replacing the items from mass, avoiding meeting the eyes of the crucifix or that of the veiled woman upon the stained glass.

Quietly he set it down in the center of the burgundy cloth, squinting against the shine of the sun against the golden sheen and feeling Izuku brush up behind him as he placed the long white candles into the holders. His arm rests over his own, chest radiating heat mere millimeters from his back. Goosebumps raised over his pale skin, a hitched breath rising in his throat as he looked up at him slowly, the scent of incense melding with that of Izuku's cologne. He smelled like sweetgrass and strawberry shampoo, mint breath cut through with the wine they'd had for communion blew past his ear and made a shiver run down his spine. "Deku."

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