Intertwined - DkBk

599 11 32

Katsuki knows, oh he knows, he's the lowest of low for this. For this affair he's coveted for god knows how long. He knows that, despite it all, he can't stop, and he has no idea what the endgame is. 

"Katsuki knew he was secondary to Izuku's dream of being a hero, knew that despite holding all the love in Izuku's heart, Izuku would rather die for his dream and his country, for the safety of his people, than live for him. He'd go out as a hero, his body and mind, his aspiration, his life was to the world, all Katsuki got was his heart. And, yes, Katsuki felt like that was enough, but what good was a heart when it was no longer beating?"

Additional Notes

- Part 2 of "Bored"  (5 fics back in this book)

-Krbk established relationship

- Angst if you squinttttttt

- Desperate yearning, they're so in love, they just fucking SUCK AT TALKING IT OUT

(Strap in cause this is 4.6 k words)


Sex was spoken like a dance, fingers intertwined as you spun with your partner and pressed closed, exchanging breaths while inhaling the essence of each other to be closer. It was love exchanged through something other than words, a deepened intimacy that dispelled tension and communicated that desire to be close to your other half. It was euphoric.

Their sex was more like flailing, like drowning. The sort of dance where you wished you'd stood still and held at the wall instead, blending into the corner while holding your beverage of choice clutched tight to your chest. The sort of dance that was better left unseen and unspoken of.

His arms around him, feeling dead and numb with how they didn't quite know where to move, practising what he'd seen by touching his hair and back, twisting his head this way and that. Giving him a proper look or closing his eyes so they didn't even look at each other at all.

They looked like broken instruments. It hurt, despite the practised ease, because looking at the face above him while thinking of another was cruel when the man he thought of had made him feel like a bad memory once as well. Like he was a reminder of someone else despite being all he wished for.

"Katsuki?" Kirishima murmured, his hands brushing over the pale bare skin of his lower stomach, the dark and his previous run of lotion hiding the scratches and bruises around his waist that weren't from him but another man. Training, he'd said when asked. Just harsh training, same as last week. It was merely coincidence he kept getting grabbed by his waist, perhaps a weak point exploited by his sparring partner.

"Mn?" Katsuki hummed, panting and closing his eyes when a hand brushed back his bangs from his sweaty forehead. Their eyes reflected two shades of red into each other, one bright and hopeful while the other was darkened like the wine he'd drank before entering the apartment that night. In the afterglow, it felt more forlorn, like a stagnant pause and with not as much as a shimmering veneer to the blond, goosebumps already rising on his arms.

"You cum?" He asked, pulling back, tracing down his stomach to his inner thighs, eliciting a shiver that he thought was arousal while the man beneath him was actually recoiling into himself. He felt over the wetness there and grinned with pride over something that wasn't even for him, a guilty look hidden by shadows and a bite to his lip. "Wow.."

And there was an embarrassing awe and self-pride in that mere word alone that made the blond give a ghost of a smile. "You did good, Kiri. Missed you." He whispered, though those words too felt practised as he leaned up on his elbows to press a kiss to his lips before flipping them over and sliding off of him with a graceful ease. He tugged the condom off of him, ignoring the indignant groan it caused. "Seems like I wasn't the only one enjoying myself."

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