Haunting (Me) - DKBK

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Izuku Midoriya was many things, but most prominent of all, he was a hero.
Number one, pro hero, Deku. Top of the ranks, highest paid and most well renowned in the workforce, the epitome of masculinity without toxicity and full of warmth. The symbol of peace.

At least to everyone else but the man who'd stood by his side since childhood.


Where Katsuki is the only one who knows about Deku's dark side, the type that would cause scandals and ruin lives if it got out, but yet no one believes a word he says when he challenges the thought of how "perfect" and "clean cut" the hero is. Izuku Midoriya could be scary.

Yet, even so, despite his reservations, he finds that fear spurring him on. He finds himself getting aroused by his creepish tendencies and doesn't quite know how to act.
This wasn't love, that much was abundantly clear, no matter how much Izuku pressed that it was the reasoning behind his actions.
There was no way this suffocating, intoxicating, earth shattering shitstorm of a mess was love; no matter how much they tried to be vulnerable underneath the vulgarity of their newfound relationship.

Additional Notes

- gun kink 

- Consensual Non Consent 

-  Inappropriate use of black whip 

- Possessive (slight) creep Deku 


Izuku Midoriya was many things, but most prominent of all, he was a hero.

Number one, pro hero, Deku. Top of the ranks, highest paid and most well renowned in the workforce, the epitome of masculinity without toxicity and full of warmth. The symbol of peace.

At least to everyone else but the man who'd stood by his side since childhood.

"Dynamight, I must advise you to give up on this." Jeanist spoke tiredly, hands clasped before him in the bland boardroom he called an office. With a belt with a BJ insignia, you'd think he'd be the last guy to second doubt his claims, but of course what he claimed was also something farfetched; taken straight from a novel and stretching far across whatever could be classified as the truth. "We understand that you have a rivalry with Hero Deku and it's never been a problem before but now it's becoming a hindrance to your work. With every new complaint you seem to become more intense but there is zero evidence to back up your claims that this is true and I cannot work simply on my faith in you alone to bring up such a story to the board."

Katsuki glared down at the faux grain table he called a desk, fists clenched upon his lap, wire like thread stringing him up from every side so he remained in place throughout their conversation. Even years later, Jeanist still thought he might run. "Have you any evidence of him being anything but courteous to you?"

Gritting his teeth, reluctantly, holding back from stroking the collar sitting heavily beneath the high collar of his own hero suit, he uttered. "No." The words felt foreign and tasted bitter, the leather strap digging into his skin, the choker quite literally choking him with restraint.

A long sigh, thin fingers coming up to rub at the old man's eyes, exhaustion and patience clear in his words. "Then I ask that this be the last time we hear of Hero Dekus supposed 'dark side', Bakugou. I have been lenient over the years and allowed you to draw this out, hoping you'd come up with either something to back you up or would mature out of it with age, but neither has happened and it's been far too long. We understand that you don't like working with him, we try to minimise your interactions, but with how this occupation is set up, you are bound to run into him. It is impossible not to, especially with how you are both fighting for the number one spot." He slid the envelope across the table towards the blonde. "I encourage you to do with this what you will. We have refrained from informing his agency about this but if a scandal were to get out, and there were implications, we'd have no choice but to get Midoriya himself involved. Do I make myself understood?"

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