Bored - Dkbk

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Katsukis been bored with his relationship with Eijirou. No matter how he tries he can't seem to get a grasp on this monotonous relationship, Kirishima is just too complacent. So he has an affair with a man who's quite the opposite. 

Additional tags 

- Mentions of kiribaku 

- Cheating 


Katsuki had been dating Eijirou for nearly a year, at the cusp of ten months and going strong; at least externally speaking if you were to look at them from afar. They were the sunshine and storm cloud couple, the good boy and the bad one. Kirishima was said to help Katsuki reign in his anger, or more specifically there'd be jokes of him 'taming' him. All throughout their relationship, whenever anything went awry with Katsuki's personal behavior that the others deemed as inappropriate or unsavoury they need only smile knowingly and call "Kirishimaaa~!" and all would be well again.

But even so, with as good as it was going on surface level, or appeared to be, it felt awfully shallow. Katsuki felt like a kid in a cheesy high school movie about high school sweethearts and not in a good way; finding it bland and boring how he was always right to Kirishima, how he was never validated in his anger and immediately forced into a state where he had to try and calm down.

Kirishima loved him, he made it real clear and he never got angry at Katsuki for his outbursts. He told him how much he loved him and picked him up when he was at his lows but...

Katsuki was bored. Everyday was the same, the same old treatment, the same old sweeping things under the rug, Kirishima's expressions not once wavering when Katsuki snapped at him for the pettiest of things, wanting to start something just to get a reaction out of him. Something other than this complacency.

And the sex... Don't get him started. Making out with him made him roll his eyes, saying things he thought Kirishima wanted to hear as he began to touch him while it felt as bland and rehearsed as going through porn, feeling his body rock and the pressure but not that mind blowing pleasure that caused the coil in his stomach to wind.

Call it what you will, conceited or selfish, but Katsuki was beginning to loathe the monotony of this sort of living. There was no chemistry, the tension wavering into nothing, even when Kirishima told him how much he wanted him all the time.

He was so, so fucking bored.

So he had an affair, having picked out just who priorly with a conviction that this was what he needed; so sure that after one time, one thrill and he'd be done. But it wasn't. And he continued to seek it out, with the one person who pushed his buttons just as much as he pushed others, with the one person who he loved to berate until his eyes went dark and he snapped.


Heated, shallow breaths steamed up before them like the fogged mirrors surrounding the locker room. The scent of sweat and shampoo filling that of thick, burning caramel. The sharp ring of skin on skin echoing throughout the cerulean tiles as Izuku slammed him up against one of the shower walls, one hand like a vice around his wrists as he raised them overhead, the two nearly slipping off of the walls at the spray dousing them both. Hot water scalded down Izuku's back, followed by nails dragging down the bunched muscles of his shoulders.

"Quiet." Izuku grit out, thighs tensing as he lifted his hips up, strong thrusts knocking him up against the wall with each upwards jab before forcing him to cling tight with the downwards stroke.

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