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The train slowing down can be felt by the tributes, which only means one thing.

They had arrived at the Capitol.

The loud cheering from outside the windows was more of a dead giveaway than the train's decline in speed, but nonetheless it still acts as a reminder to them all that they've reached their destination.

Kade shys away from the window, clearly not wanting to be seen by the crowd of Capitol clowns who have engulfed the train station. It's only a matter of time until they see him, though; until they see the man they all view as a traitor. He is one, he won't deny it. He wears the title with pride, because he knows he made the right decision despite the failure of the rebellion. Yet somewhere deep within him, he feels a tinge of regret. That, he will never admit to.

Alina and Viktor have already shown their faces behind the glass and the crowd cheers louder. Screams of their names can be heard and it's clear to Denari that they are victors favored by the Capitol, and the two of them are eating it up like it's a five course meal.

Denari decides to keep herself seated on the silky velvet sofa that wraps itself around the opposite side of the train, out of view of the people awaiting the tributes arrival. Their excitement to catch their first glimpse at people who are going to kill each other makes Denari's skin crawl.

As the train comes to a halt, Claudius enters their section of the train if it's on cue, that same bright, toothy, annoying smile on his face. The one Denari has had to put up with for the last 24 hours.

"Okay friends, let's get a move on it! Your stylists are waiting, tick tock, tick tock!" Alina gets visibly uncomfortable at Claudius' words, her body tensing as her eyes fall upon a clock hanging behind Claudius. Denari can hear her mumbling the phrase 'tick tock' under her breath and it makes her furrow her brows in confusion.

The door to the train slides open smoothly and Denari now has a clear view of just how many people were outside waiting, and she would have never anticipated it to be this many. Viktor and Alina are in front of herself and Kade, with Claudius being the first person in their line so they could guide them through the crowd who only parted enough to form a narrow path for them to pass through.

Denari can, shockingly, hear her name being cheered and called— though the cheers for the two victors are much louder, which makes it easier to ignore the calls of her name.

"Miss Karma!"

"She is a doll! Denari!"

"Denari! Denari!" It was mispronounced both times.

"Oh my gosh, wasn't her brother a tribute? They look identical. Precious as a petal, I tell you."

"Hopefully she has better luck.. She seems promising."

The mention of Dexter makes her sick to her stomach while also making her blood boil. Somehow, she managed to block out the fact her brother experienced exactly the same thing she is, until now. She can't stop the memories from flooding back in, no matter how hard she tries.

"And our male tribute is.. Dexter Karma!" It feels like the words echo throughout the district, or at least in Denari's ears. An 18 year old Dextor steps out from the back of the crowd of boys and slowly walks up toward the stage. Just as he's about to climb the few steps, Denari practically jumps out of the crowd of girls.

"Dexter!" Her voice cracks and her brother turns around. His heart aches at the sight of his younger sister, tears streaming down her face. Dexter can see Peacekeepers charging their way out of the corner of his eye. Still, he takes his opportunity to run up to Denari and hold her, for what may be one of the last times.

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