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Make an impression.

Roman's words linger with Denari. This is the Capitol's first real look at the tributes and, in this case, first impressions truly mean everything.

As District 3's carriage emerges from backstage, Denari can hear the loud cheers and clapping from those who fill the stadium and she can feel the sunlight beginning to beam down on her. In this moment, she's thankful that she's covered from her neck down or the sunburn that has been developing would be burning a hell of a lot more.

Denari's head lifts as her fingers grasp the side of the carriage for support; the road beneath them feels gravely and with each trot of the horse's legs, the raven haired tribute fights to hold her stance. Her expression remains stoic, which is broadcasted on the screens that display the tribute parade as each carriage finds its way out into the light.
Kade and Viktor's faces are displayed on a second screen, with Viktor appearing to relish in the affection and attention. His charm seems practiced and... mastered. Those who fill the stadium seem to adore Viktor, with roses practically being chucked in his direction.

Beside her, Kade lets a toothless smile rest on his lips. It's not a genuine one, she knows that, but the clowns who fill the Capitol stadium are as naive as they are foolish. Still, Kade is playing the part and Denari struggles to understand why. Her eyebrows furrow and her lip twitches. It almost angers her— Kade's theatrics.

Despite his previous residence in the Capitol, Kade isn't exactly on the best of terms with them and, up until now, Denari didn't think he had any desire to be. Her mind struggles to wrap around his attempt of wooing the Capitol residents who sit all around them; this is one thing that Kade does that Denari is failing to comprehend— to reason with.

And that's when it clicks.

The realization washes over Denari's faces at the same time the clapping and cheering goes unnervingly quiet. Gasps replace the cheers and there's significantly less roses thrown in their direction.

Kade's betrayal toward the Capitol isn't just known by those within the government. It's known by everyone.

And it could cost all 4 of District 3's tributes their life.

Denari's eyes finally leave the screen and her head turns toward Kade. She appears frantic in a way, she knows they don't have much time before the screens switch to District 4.

"Give me your hand," She mumbles and it causes Kade to turn his head from the crowd and toward Denari, whose eyes are slightly wider than they should be. His eyebrows furrow but only for a second before that same look of realization that once painted Denari's face, now rests on his.

Kade's hand finds its way into Denari's and her fingers interlock with his. The feeling isn't unfamiliar— she'd hold his hand anytime he was dragged around District 3, which grew to be less and less often as the months had gone by.

Denari looks toward the crowd of Capitol residents that fill the seats of the stadium, her eyes darting between each pale painted face that she could spot. She can barely make out what anyone looks like, but the bright colors they pride themselves in typically make them stand out like elephants— in this case, they all blend together.

During the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss and Peeta's names were whispered amongst districts and beloved within the Capitol, and it all started with one simple gesture at the tribute parade. One that Denari didn't get to witness, but certainly had heard plenty about.

But this wasn't just about gaining sponsors. It was to remind Panem's newest President of his biggest threat— unity.

With a swing of their arms, Kade and Denari's interlocked hands are held in the air for everyone to see, but it's clear that Alina and Viktor take notice before anyone else does. Their heads turn simultaneously and their eyes practically burn through the two tributes hands. Denari can feel it. She's sure that Kade can, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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