[26] Dates and Gods

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Chapter 26: Dates and Gods

I had a day off and the day after, too, as it was Sunday. The day after that, I didn't have school because I had a shooting in the early morning.

Mem-Cho and Black Hanekawa healed me well, but I still had to stabilize my body; so I decided to do exactly that before the shoot.

Mem-Cho stayed almost the entire day in our house, but I wasn't there to see her. I left my house and leaped into the sky. I began to cultivate within some storm clouds. I could finally do this now that I could fly.

Crack! Rumble.

My Qi was causing the clouds around me to roar in rage. It helped my speed a bit. Unfortunately, no matter how much I try in the normal way, it will take a long time for me to advance. It would have taken at least two months before I could advance again, to begin with. But after this ordeal, that could take a year or more. That's a year of wait I was too impatient to go through.

"What should I do..."

With my eyes closed and sitting in a lotus position, I murmured. I really needed to find a way to speed up my progress. Being in the middle ladder of a world was not fun, and sadly that was the part of power I was right now.

"Well, it's not like there is no way."

Yes, there sure was. I wouldn't usually choose this way, it's not my current style, but things have come this far, but I have already kind of done it halfway through. So why not go all the way?

Problem is... "How do I approach this?"

While pondering over this, the night came. I stabilized my body off everything I went through yesterday. This didn't return the cultivation I had lost, obviously, but my foundation was safe.

I opened my eyes.

The stabilization left me with a clear mind that let me decide the next course of actions. I admit, I couldn't go at this slow speed. The Mana in the air was not thin but it wasn't very thick either. Time was important, so I needed to be fast.

Alright. Fine.

"...I did lead Tsubasa by her nose and made her feelings for me concrete. It would be a waste to not use this chance, to not use her to grow stronger faster."

To be more precise, with the help of Black Hanekawa, my cultivation speed will grow. There was a slight issue though, I couldn't do things with Hanekawa without Tsubasa's cooperation since they're sharing a body and all. So before I could do this, I first had to win over Tsubasa completely. I had to take her to the bed by her own will.

The Bouchujutsu; the Bedroom Method. In this world, that technique was only used to heal people, as what happened to me. But in many of the other worlds I know, it can do a lot more. Indeed, I am talking about the infamous Dual Cultivation method.

* * *

Mem-Cho left, the day ended. When the next day came, my entire family decided to go on a tour as it was Sunday. Well, it was just the three adults, Ruby, I, and Tsubasa who were left behind.

Ruby was diligently training in this free time of hers, while Tsubasa was in her home. She was home alone, which was just perfect for me.

So, I left my house and went to the house just beside ours. I greeted the guard at the gate and entered, waking into a peculiar scene.


I stood in front of Tsubasa who just walked out of the shower, wrapped in a white towel with her wet hair falling down to her waist.

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