Chapter 7- A Vampire!

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On Collinsport's main drag, Barnabas and Willie stands in front of a salty old bar name The Blue Whale. Willie opens the door and makes his way through the crowd with Barnabas following him. The bar is filled with fisherman and cannery workers, all drinking and having a good time.

"You want fishermen, you gotta get Silas Clarney first. He's got the ear of every captain from Bar Harbor to Boston. They call him the "Godfather of the Grand Banks."" Willie explained.

"Excuse me. Captain Clarney?" Willie called out trying to get through a group of men surrounding a table where Captain Clarney sits. "Captain Clarney, I'd like you to meet Barnabas Collins."

Captain Clarney sits down his drink and lean back on his chair. "Collins? And why does a Collins want to talk to me?" Barnabas sits in front of Clarney, "To offer you a contract."

"I have a contract with Angelbay." Clarney answers back.

"And if I told you I could offer you a better one?" Barnabas tries to convince him, but to no avail.

"Then, Mr. Collins, I would tell you to take a long walk off a short pier. There is such a think as loyalty in our line of work."

"I see. Mr. Clarney..." Barnabas holds his hand out using hypnosis. "You have grown rather weary of working for Angelbay. In fact, you would rather sell your soul to Satan then sell another fish to Angelique Bouchard. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Clarney answers slowly.

"Very good. Now if you would be so kind as to introduce me to some of your fellow captains."


The next day, Roger is sitting down in the Drawing Room, looking out the window, smoking, and seeing the waves crashing against the rocks. Behind him, he hears the wolves on the mantle howl and the secret door opening.

He turns around to see Barnabas holding a bag of gold coins and walking away, not noticing Roger looking at him.


That same night, Barnabas is crouched down and slowing crawling his way up the stairs that leads to Carolyn's room. His eyes locked on a red lava lamp that he didn't hear Dr. Hoffman stopping behind him.

"Barnabas? Why are you staring into Carolyn's room?" She questions.

"What is that thing"

Dr. Hoffman follows his gaze, "It's a lamp."

"It looks like a pulsating blood urn." She looks at him worried. "I think it's time I showed you my office, Barnabas."


In Hoffman's Office, Barnabas lies on a psychiatrist couch, while Dr. Hoffman sits in her chair taking a small blue pill. "Do you know what a "psychiatrist" is?

"Regrettably, the word is foreign to me. May I assume it is some species of American delicacy?" He questions.

"It's a medical doctor that specializes in disorders of the mind. I'm a psychiatrist." She reaches for her drink and takes a sip from it.

"Now, where were you born?"


"Can you describe it for me?"

"Filthy. The air is choked with soot and the streets reek of freshly hurled chamber pots. The smell of urine permeates the air." Dr. Hoffman looks at him weirdly, but decided to go a different route.

"Have you any experience with hypnotism, Barnabas?"

"I find it very useful, yes." Barnabas questions.

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