Chapter 11- Things Go Down Hill

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Barnabas walks into Angie's Meeting Room and slamming the door behind him. At the head of the table, Angie is sitting down with her bare legs on the table and glass with blood in front of her.

"I demand that you release me from my curse." Barnabas walks till he is standing next to her.

"You're late." Angie says with no emotion in her voice. Barnabas looks down to see the glass in front of him. "What's this?"

"The only thing you drink these days." Barnabas sits down, laying his cane on the table and not taking his eyes off of the drink.

"From where does it come?" He questions.

"No on you know. I promise." She whispers and with that Barnabas drinks the whole thing.

"I knew it wouldn't be long before you barged in here, begging me to make you mortal again. Now that Dr. Hoffman isn't around to give you your little transfusions."

"Yes. Yes, it was a shame. She was called away on business so suddenly." Barnabas says hiding his surprise that Angie knew about his plan on being mortal.

"Interesting. I don't know many people who take business meetings on the bottom of the ocean." Barnabas makes a face and stands up. "She was a liar. She was stealing my blood."

"Aren't we being a smidge hypocritical? Lying and stealing blood are things you're rather familiar with." Angie sits up right and gives him a sarcastic smile.

"Yes, I killed Dr. Hoffman and the workmen. But know this: With each life I take a piece of my wretched soul dies. For I only kill because I'm compelled to. Compelled by your witchcraft. By your curse." Barnabas walks till he is in front of Angie and grabs the chair. "Why have you done this to me?"

Angie looks up at him with a small smile, "It's a shame. You know, if you'd just been smart enough to love me, I would've let her go."

"Speak plainly, snake." Barnabas tired of her word play.

"I sent you little girlfriend over the cliffs once before. What makes you think I wouldn't do it again?" Barnabas lets go of the chair and stands back, hoping it is not what he think it is. Angie stands up, "I'm gonna offer you a business proposal, Barnabas. My final offer. Either you agree to rule this little pond of mine side by side, partners and lovers, or I put you back in the box."

"I have already prepared my counter-proposal. It reads thusly: You may strategically place your wonderful lips upon my posterior and kiss it repeatedly!" Barnabas marches up to the door and opens it. He finds the same coffin standing there, waiting for him. He turns around and Angie left her hands, pushing him into it and chains start to wrap around him.

Angie walks and pushes him down, behind him is her employees waiting for the signal to close the coffin and take him away. Angie bends down to grab his cane and breaks it in half, throwing it with him in the coffin.


Angie walks outside and waits till the men put the coffin in a van. Once in she walks to the passenger sit and it drives off, passing Willie, who is asleep in the car. The van stops in front of the Collins Cannery and Angie looks at it to recite a incantation, "Sleeping flame, I summon thee, To your form return, Make the night as bright as day, And burn, baby burn." With that the van drives off.

Inside the Cannery, the gas valve turns by itself and the pips breaks off making a hissing noise. The generator turns on and the conveyor belt starts to move. The canning machine starts to spark and before you know it, the whole building explodes. The noise waking up Willie and him seeing fish and cans falling everywhere.


In the Drawing Room, Elizabeth sees out the window to see the Cannery lighting up from the fire. A look of disbelief washes on her face and making her see all of the hard work go down the drain.


The van drives through a cemetery and stopping next to a mausoleum that belongs to the Collins family. Angie steps off the van to lead the men into it. Once inside, the men drops the coffin down and leaves to give Angie privacy. Angie opens the coffin to look at Barnabas.

"I've come to realize that shutting you in that box for all eternity might've been a tad harsh. So here's the deal: I'm going to destroy everything you love, and you're going to take some more time to think about us." Angie bends down to fix his collar and then starts taking off her red underwear to put on his face. "See you in a couple centuries, lover boy." With that Angie closes the lid and walks off to the van and leaves the cemetery.

In the coffin, Barnabas closes his eyes remembering all the years in it. "Do not dismay, Barnabas. We shall yet again escape this nightmare. Perhaps only a few decades this time."

Outside, he hears footsteps walking into the mausoleum springing hope in him. "Oh, hello! Hello! I hear you! Oh, sweet glories be. Whoever you are, fear not. I will not harm you. What year is it? How many centuries have I? How long has it been?"

The lid opens and David looks at him with an unimpressed look. "It has been 20 minutes."

"Young Master David. How on earth did you know I was imprisoned" Barnabas questions.

"My mom told me. You probably think I'm crazy." David says looking to the side, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"Young man, I think nothing of the sort." Barnabas says truthfully. David smiles at him, but then washed with confusion. "Uncle Barnabas..." He leans down to pick-up the red underwear and a piece is stuck on Barnabas face. "...why do you have ladies underwear on your face?"

"Never mind that. Where is your family? Where is Y/n?" Barnabas questions, hoping nothing bad happens to them.

"I haven't seen Y/n/n, but everybody else is in the town watching our cannery burn." David says like it is nothing.

"We must save them! Hurry!" David runs off forgetting one little detail. "Master David! Perhaps you should unchain me first?" That little detail is Barnabas not being able to move and David runs back to unchain him.


In Town, a crowd of onlookers has gathered to watch the fire department and the police trying to put the fire out and also trying to figure out what happen. The building has no hope in being saved, so they're just trying to keep it from spreading to the rest of the harbor.

Willie pushes his way to the front to see the damage that is happening. Once in the front his face drops. "Oh, boy. Miss Elizabeth's gonna shit a brick."

Angie walks up to the Sheriff, who is giving orders to both police and fire department. "Sheriff, we need to talk."

"Christ, Angie, I ain't got time for chitchat. The damned town's burning!" The Sheriff says.

"You don't have time to proof that the Collins family is harboring a murderer?" Angie holds up a tape recorder and rests it on the hood of the Sheriff's car. She presses play and grabs the microphone from the Sheriff and holds it next to the recorder.

"Yes, I killed Dr. Hoffman, and the workmen" Angie holds down the microphone, while everyone is shocked.

"Well, I'll be damned. And to think the whole town's named after them." The Sheriff says.

"I'd be willing to bet that Barnabas has already skipped town. And I'd be willing to bet that you'll find the corpses of more of his innocent victims in there!" Angie looks at the burning building to prove her point. "The Collins family has rebuilt their business with murder! Well I say, not in my town!" The crowd cheers and agrees.

"There's one of them now! He's probably the one who started the fire to cover his boss's tracks!" Angie points at Willie and the crowd looks at him with anger. Willie runs to the car and starts to drive away scared, and the town runs following him.


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